New member welcome thread

Hello from AZ

I just stumbled across this site today, and fell in love all over again!:D
My Fuzzy-Sixer and I became BFF about 4 weeks ago. We try to spend time together every day! Last Sunday we participated in TrackDay at Firebird Raceway. She did not disappoint me, as in the 4th round, we hit 115 mph!!:rockon: I will check back often, as my new goal is the scavenger hunt/photo series. Any riders in AZ??
Salutations to all users. My name is Brian Poole. I reside in East Tennessee. My dad had given me a 150cc scooter, with my intentions being to ride it to work once the company I work for finishes with our new site (4 miles from my house). I completed the MSF Basic Rider Course back in October 2009. After completing the class, I have become addicted to thrill of wanting to ride a motorcycle. Since then, I had been looking for a cross between a touring bike and a sports bike. As luck would have it, I found the perfect bike for me, an FZ6R.

I haven't purchased one yet, since I would like to test ride one before making such a big investment. When I found this forum, it turned out to be the biggest blessing in my quest for a bike of my own. Everything I have read tells me I can't go wrong with an FZ6R. There is a motorcycle show in Greenville, SC in January 2010, which I plan on attending. At this event, I hope to test ride an FZ6R. After getting a feel of the bike, I hope to rush back to East Tennessee and pick up an FZ6R of my very own.

Thank you to all the users and frequent forum visitors. You are what make this forum worth visiting.

Welcome, I spent a couple year in the UK (95'-97'), and just got curious how the old base I was stationed at looked (just neat what details Goggle has). To my suprise, what do I see right down from my old dorms.... check it out! Look familiar???

feltwell UK - Google Maps

hey dart1963, did you enjoy the UK? unfortunately thats on the other side of england to me. Havent been there before (one part of the uk i havent been to).

guess you were USAF?
New from MIAMI

Hello all,

I've been reading this forum for the last couple of days and decided to introduce myself.

I live in Miami-FL, have a Shadow 750 Aero with a little over 9k miles on it and am planning to trade it on a FZ6R. I wish I could have both bikes but I can only ride on the weekends and can't justify 2.

I'll have a lot of questions for this forum! ;)
Hello all,

I've been reading this forum for the last couple of days and decided to introduce myself.

I live in Miami-FL, have a Shadow 750 Aero with a little over 9k miles on it and am planning to trade it on a FZ6R. I wish I could have both bikes but I can only ride on the weekends and can't justify 2.

I'll have a lot of questions for this forum! ;)

Welcome to the forum! You've got questions? That's what we are here for! :thumbup:

Knowledge rains down like dollars at a strip club! :rof:
Hi Everybody,

I joined this forum to learn more about the FZ6R. I am a new rider with one season riding experience. I currently own a 2008 GS500F which I put approximately 7500kms on over the past summer. I am currently looking for a FZ6R as I believe it to be a bike which should satisfy my needs for the next few years.

Feel free to PM me anytime and I am interested in knowing what you think of your bike both good and bad.

:welcome: to our community!

If you choose the FZ6R, you will not be disappointed. This is a great bike and I think all the members here love it. Lots of great people here as well, which is why this is such an awesome forum. :D
Another new member

hello to all my two wheeled friends. My name is Dan from Las Vegas,Nv. I have almost 8000 miles on my blue FZ6R and have enjoyed all of them! Been riding for over 30 years but this is my first sport bike--big change from my 1989 Yamaha XT600 or 1974 Suzuki GT550 (that's a 2-stroke street bike for you younger folks) I have just installed a Competition Werkes fender eliminator on my bike and if you are thinking about doing the same you may wany to see what I have to say when I post in the proper forum soon.
Happy New Year to all and keep the shiny side up!!
Deep freeze

Hello all!

I live in Montreal, Canada. I bought my Raven FZ6R in October 09. Did not have the chance to ride it yet! I got an "end of season price" so, I went for it. My present for my 40th birthday :) Yes, it's my first bike.

I will be following this forum on a regular basis and I hope I will be able to contribute to it sometime in the future... Or, as soon as the snow melts :thumbup:

By the way, where's the global warming effect?? :rant:


Hello all

I have been lurking on here for about 6 weeks. So, I think that it is about time to introduce myself – my name is Peter and I am back in the saddle (against the wishes of my family and my cardiologist) after a 35 year hiatus. They all say that I am to old to be riding a motorcycle.

I successfully passed the MSF course in December, I missed 1 question on the written test and much to my amazement, I aced the riding test.

I took delivery of my new FZ6R on New Year’s eve and I am having lots of fun. Being vertically challenged, I am unable to flatfoot - but can reach with the balls of my feet. The first few times that I ventured out were a little tentative, but I am beginning to get more comfortable each time that I go out. Not ready for long trips yet though.

When I was last riding in the early 70’s I was living in Ireland, owning various 60’s Triumphs with the gearshift on the right side. Traffic was not as dense as LA and we were driving on the left side the road. So you see that I have many changes to get used to – not easy for an old guy!

I would like to extend my thanks to all the members of the forum for all the valuable hints and information that I have gleaned from reading the many posts.


:welcome: You will enjoy the bike more and more each time you take it out for a ride!

Plus, we are never too old to learn new tricks! ;)
Family sometime don't know the secret of youth is riding in the open air on a bike. My wife says I act like a 19 year old on the bike. Hey,that gives me an idea.No maybe I am to old for that again. Ride as much and often as you can!
Hey from the UK


I'm Steve and I live in the UK. I've just bought my first bike and its a Yamaha XJ6N, which is pretty much the same bike as the FZ6R that you have in the US. I love owning a bike and the feeling of freedom it gives you and I'm looking forward to attending the Isle of Man TT this year for the first time. I hate the winter though....... not ridden for a couple of months :(


Hi Everyone,

My alias is Detrich, and I've been lurking around this site since late last summer... I live & work in LA near the Pasadena area, and I'm new to motorcycling too... Did the MSF in November 2009, M1 in December 2009, and just picked up my first bike (blue 09 fz6r) a few weeks ago... So, I'm excited to get comfortable riding and from learning more useful things from you all here... :)

I work in IT (computers), and I'm also a p/t musician and do session work here and there- guitar, bass, vocals- mostly for production music type projects and video games, whenever they come up.

Thanks for welcoming to this awesome community! And, hope to chat with more of you here.

~ D :)
Hi Everyone,

My alias is Detrich, and I've been lurking around this site since late last summer... I live & work in LA near the Pasadena area, and I'm new to motorcycling too... Did the MSF in November 2009, M1 in December 2009, and just picked up my first bike (blue 09 fz6r) a few weeks ago... So, I'm excited to get comfortable riding and from learning more useful things from you all here... :)

I work in IT (computers), and I'm also a p/t musician and do session work here and there- guitar, bass, vocals- mostly for production music type projects and video games, whenever they come up.

Thanks for welcoming to this awesome community! And, hope to chat with more of you here.

~ D :)
Welcome! Haha well give me a holler if you ever make your way up to Azusa canyon!
Hi, My Name is Justin and I am an automotive machinist in the San Francisco Bay area, I am 29 and I have been riding for 20 of those years, I have raced KTM dirt bikes professionally in my late teens and early 20's when a severe hand injury left me unable to compete. Since then I have started riding more street, I have had dual sports and even an old 1966 Triumph TT Special. I purchased a blue FZ6R in october and I have ridden every day that it has not rained. It is the best street bike I have owned or even ridden, I have done a lot of mods already including, Two Bros exhaust, Two Bros Juicebox, a double bubble wind screen, targa fender eliminator, and mirror block off plates from an r6. I cannot wait for this spring and summer so I can go on some big rides, I am planning a trip.
Hi, My Name is Justin and I am an automotive machinist in the San Francisco Bay area, I am 29 and I have been riding for 20 of those years, I have raced KTM dirt bikes professionally in my late teens and early 20's when a severe hand injury left me unable to compete. Since then I have started riding more street, I have had dual sports and even an old 1966 Triumph TT Special. I purchased a blue FZ6R in october and I have ridden every day that it has not rained. It is the best street bike I have owned or even ridden, I have done a lot of mods already including, Two Bros exhaust, Two Bros Juicebox, a double bubble wind screen, targa fender eliminator, and mirror block off plates from an r6. I cannot wait for this spring and summer so I can go on some big rides, I am planning a trip.

Welcome to the forum, we are glad to have you here! Would you mind posting a pic of the R6 mirror block off plates? It is something a TON of people have been looking to do, and I think we would all love to see how it worked out.


Hi all - my name is Amy, I've been riding since 2002, and the FZ6r (Yamaha Blue) is my 3rd bike. I got it in June 09 thinking I wanted something a little more upright (last bike was Suzuki SV650s), something that would take me on more comfortable longer road trips. Last summer had a ton of rain, so I didn't go too far, but I'm hoping to get more time on two wheels this upcoming season. I haven't been too impressed with the comfort of this bike - little afraid the sizing is just too small for me (being a taller person), and really hoping that another season out on it will break in the seat and make it more comfy so I can go on those longer trips that my husband wants to take. Right now I'm starting to really miss being on a bike - the winter-safe AWD SUV just isn't the same.
