Nation wide helmet laws by state


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leprecaun jon

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Mr Citrus

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Wearing a helmet protects your head from injury. Not wearing a helmet will not protect your head from injury. Its not rocket science, its common sense.


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theRook put it in its simplest terms and he is right.

NH doesn't require me to wear a helmet but I do, every single time, no matter how short the ride. I also am that Douche Canoe that wears all the gear (well, maybe a kayak because it's not a full leathers set) because I really love my skin. I care about myself and my family and friends so I'm an ATGATT rider. To me, I do not care one iota what anyone else thinks of that. I'm not dressing to impress anyone or because I think it is cool. I'm dressing for the crash, not the ride or the weather. I'm ATGATT because I choose to be.

The flip side is that I do care what you all wear too, but I'm not a person to judge you for it. Judging another person is wrong, period. If one chooses to accept the risks of riding without some or all gear, then you have that right so long as your local laws permit it. For me it is just plain common sense to protect myself and minimize risk. For you it is your own personal reasons. And I respect that even if I disagree.

I can honestly say that I will not go riding with you because I've scraped one friend off the tar and watched in the ER as the nurses scrubbed the rocks out of his skinless back, butt cheek and thigh with nylon brushes. Because he hit his head and there was a chance of a concussion, he couldn't have any pain killers. Have you ever heard a grown man cry and scream in this situation? I don't ever want to again. If you don't wear the gear, I'll take my route... you take yours. This way, we can both best deal with the choice we made.

We can agree, we can disagree, but you all need to find the ability to "agree to disagree" and please don't be judgemental. It's very counter-productive and makes for bad threads. ;)


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leprecaun jon

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But (You knew there was a "but" didn't you?) I too can have an opinion, and forums exist for people to voice their opinions. That's why it's here. I don't think differing opinions make for bad threads. If it's a subject that's important to someone, it makes for Great threads.

First, I want to say that the following is not directed only to you but to ALL members reading this.

Yes, everyone has an opinion and everyone is more that welcome to state opinions here. We would NEVER deny that right.

The issue is when someone states their opinion and then starts defending it which causes arguments. Opinions shouldn't be defended. They should be stated and left to ponder. It is a statement by an individual which, in the eyes of that individual, is neither right or wrong. It is likely the person stating it will not change his mind AND also likely that the opinion will not change anyone else's mind, though sometimes it does because a person never viewed it that way.

Now, if people want to debate points, this is very different. Debates are based on factual information where two sides present a case and discuss the pros and cons of each side. We also have no problem with this in the forums.

What will not be tolerated is someone attacking another person's opinion in an attempt to force their own opinion on another member. This always results in bad posts, ill feelings, bad publicity and typically someone being banned because they couldn't just state their opinion and leave it at that.

Opinions welcome - State 'em if you've got 'em.

Debates are welcome. Quantify the side with links to factual information. Keep this gentleman/lady like and civil... like discussing the weather over coffee.

Arguments and personal attacks. Please be prepared to be shown the door. We do not want that here. If everyone has read the rules, then they are already aware of this.

I'm on 5 other forums. The Admin trusts the judgement of his staff here and there. His policy is to drop an apple the minute it turns bad, no questions. I like to give one chance to a member to apologize and clean up their act. I'd prefer the member humble themselves with an apology than ban them but sometimes it cannot be avoided.
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Well said FZ1. With that said...

My brother went twice down on his old Ninja 250.. helmet definitely helped him.

My friend last year on his fz6 died, with a modular helmet on. This was actually his second accident. (I was riding with him. The first time he high sided and slid to the side of the road and was ok for the most part helmet helped him, he actually went unconsious for a few seconds from the impact to the head, he probably would've died right then and there if he didnt have one) anyway, his neck broke or something of that nature. Not sure if a snell helmet would've saved his life. I told him a million times to get a new one because he was still wearing the old helmet from his first accident. maybe it couldve saved him, maybe not. maybe a neck protector would've saved him. Who knows.

All I know is a helmet increases a chances of one living. That to me is good enough reason to wear one. And obviously all the other pros that everyone has already mentioned. Plus they looks cool and i dont want bugs on my face ;)
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World Most Bad A$$ 6R
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Sorry for your friend. But ha, once you crush the inner foam it's done. I'm not taking about dropping your helmet and making a ship on the paint. The foam is there to absorb some of the impact... like a crush zone in a car.

Yea for sure. he was stubborn, told him more than once but eh, nothing I can do now.

"You can lead a horse to water, but you cant make it drink"...

leprecaun jon

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sounds like my best friend..... thats his stance on gear..... he thinks motorcycle riding gear is overrated...he understands the importance of his helmet but ignored my recommendation to buy something other than a gmax modular helmet but the "bang for your buck" factor was "to good to be true" for him and his dad they both got them.... :/ the both of them often tell me somthing along the lines "jon......this isnt brasil" and though i know they no longer live and ride in brasil i know the factors of riding a motorcycle in my own state/ country..... like you quoted " you can lead a horse to water, but you cant make him drink".....

well if it's a DOT certified helmet, then it should be good.

for modular helmets, i'd be worried about any sort of chin-area impact, because the modular joint means it probably isn't as strong as a one-piece full face helmet.

but hey, maybe they've designed around that.

i had someone comment that my KBC helmet should be replaced with a better lid..but frankly, it's DOT and SnellM2005 certified. It's rated to be just as protective as any Shoei, Arai, or other equivalently rated helmet. The ergos might not be as good, and it might be a little louder, but it should (in theory) protect just as well.

That being said, I wouldn't mind something a bit quieter as compared to either my KBC or my Gmax :D
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so glad this is turning out to be productive and everyone is getting along...

leprecaun jon

Elite Member
