my son is dating........


New Member
So my wife comes up to me and says "look at this!"

she is holding my son's phone. She points angrily at the screen.

i read "but I love you, please let me touch your boobs under the bra"

her response was "NO! i love you to but don't ask me again"

I bust out laughing, this angers my wife. I try to calm her down. I explain he is 15 years old, his hormones are raging, he is got shut down asking to get to second base. what's the big deal?

i tried to rationalize and tell her logically that a 15 year old boy thinks about sex 95% of the time. 4% about food which leaves 1% for everything else.

I talked her down from confronting him. At least we know he isn't having sex for crying out loud.
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Lol! Just let her know that the the male hormones only get worse. At least he still thinks about food.

Sent using Jedi mind tricks!
You're absolutely right... 110% normal...
Just let him know the NSA is enjoying his sexting, too... ;)
Tell her it could be worse. Tell her the text messages could have been to a DUDE! Tell her " At least now we know he's normal" lol..

I take much offense to this... Do you have problem with people who are gay. "Normal", explain to me what "normal" is...

To the OP, this takes me back to when I was 14 when my father told me that I needed to get laid!! Boys will be boys, it's human nature!
OP, do you mind if I use that pick up line? I have no game, would this work? Thanks.
I take much offense to this... Do you have problem with people who are gay. "Normal", explain to me what "normal" is...

To the OP, this takes me back to when I was 14 when my father told me that I needed to get laid!! Boys will be boys, it's human nature!

I think normal for some might not be normal for others. I do not think that anyone was trying to offend anyone on here. But the I love u now can I touch your boob line is a way to go.
Back the PC Police truck up. If being straight wasn't "normal" our species wouldn't survive. Acceptance isn't enough for liberals is it? They won't stop until being gay is normal and straight people are the ones with the problem I guess.

You show me a straight couple who says they're happy their child is gay, and I'll show you two liars. That doesn't mean they can't love and accept their child for who they are, but not many would be glad for it.


I don't care if he does or doesn't like gays. My offence was taken more so as HOW he said it.

Sorry to thread jack and get off topic...
It's completely normal.

You should be instructing him on delivery, like you can't just say "I want to grab your boobs or something" its more like "I want to climb the tower/swim the ocean/crawl across the desert" romantic like.

Your wife needs to encourage the son to partner up, does she want to condemn him or something ?
So my wife comes up to me and says "look at this!"

she is holding my son's phone. She points angrily at the screen.

i read "but I love you, please let me touch your boobs under the bra"

her response was "NO! i love you to but don't ask me again"

I bust out laughing, this angers my wife. I try to calm her down. I explain he is 15 years old, his hormones are raging, he is got shut down asking to get to second base. what's the big deal?

i tried to rationalize and tell her logically that a 15 year old boy thinks about sex 95% of the time. 4% about food which leaves 1% for everything else.

I talked her down from confronting him. At least we know he isn't having sex for crying out loud.

I'm 24 and I still think about sex 95% of the time, brah.
So my wife comes up to me and says "look at this!"

she is holding my son's phone. She points angrily at the screen.

i read "but I love you, please let me touch your boobs under the bra"

her response was "NO! i love you to but don't ask me again"

I bust out laughing, this angers my wife. I try to calm her down. I explain he is 15 years old, his hormones are raging, he is got shut down asking to get to second base. what's the big deal?

i tried to rationalize and tell her logically that a 15 year old boy thinks about sex 95% of the time. 4% about food which leaves 1% for everything else.

I talked her down from confronting him. At least we know he isn't having sex for crying out loud.

This is pretty f'ing funny. :thumbup:

Good thing to note is that he is looking for permission, which is important these days. Going ahead and asking for permission is a good way to end up in MSNBC/Fox News/CNN headlines. I don't think you need to go there.

Kinda suprised by wife's reaction. At 15, a boy (regardless of orientation) is going to be spending a lot of time and energy pursuing sex. That's the way it is, and no amount of feminism or "environment" is going to alter that.
I'm 24 and I still think about sex 95% of the time, brah.

Ha! Yeah - go with that for a while. I'm 38 and starting think about it less frequently, but it ain't close to being gone, that's for sure. haha

this is awesome. Brings me back a few years. I was 15 when I lost my V card....she shouldn't be upset. Create an open relationship for your son to discuss these things. If you oppress it, he will hide it. It will still happen, just instead of it being out in the open, it will be hidden, and more likely for him to make risky choices and not consult you.
