MistahT VS PlastiDip

Well at least your not a dumbarse :p Seriously though, I'm just throwin ideas out off top my head at this point, so no offense taken, hell some of my ideas might just be dumb and uneducated guesses on this subject.
Please do not keep painting in unventilated area... Seriously.
This b!tch who lives above me..... Trust me, won't happen again!

I understand your reason, just dont do it. :D Don't want you passing out and ending up dead. Really dangerous to your health. Get a proper respirator as well. Stay safe brother. We want you to stick around for a while longer. ;)

I painted my boat in the garage with the windows open, respirator (probably the wrong one) and I almost had to crawl out of the garage. Hit me hard before I realized I was getting woozy. Took a long while before I started feeling normal again. Paint can be some nasty stuff on you and your brain.

That color is lookin good BTW. ;)
I really dig the color, first with black and orange it was meh, think white brought the color out a lot. Good job so far bud. Will be very unique all said and done.
That's a much better color, how many coats in all this time? Your making me want to do mine, but the problem is I would have to plasti-dip the actual frame to the color I want, as red will not match.
If the speckle in the dip really bothers you like it did me try doing a 50/50 mix. I bought a gallon of pre-thinned dip and thinned it 50/50 using Xylene. It took a lot of patience to get it right and also to wait for this stuff to cure. Plasti- dip holds up very well. I'll just post pictures so you can see and tell me what you think.

All about cure time.

Here is a picture from when I went down at 20mph, btw I finally put my sliders on.

Looks good though, Let me know if you have any questions.
