How much do you pay for Insurance?

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Insurance coverage

How much insurance coverage is recommended for motorcycle?
I only got liability and pay $120 vs full coverage for $470 (Progressive). I figure only be riding on weekends. Should I get more coverage?

How much insurance coverage do you have and with what company?

Thank you for your inputs.
What it comes down to is this:: It is a crap shoot. If you want to chance it, that is you feel that you will never need full coverage then do not get it. However only you can decide if you want to chance this way of thinking. I read quite often in my local news paper about a house fire where everything is at a loss,,,,,and the home owner has no house insurance. So like I said it is a crap shoot,, you pay your money for just liability or full coverage and take your chances.
i recently increased my coverage to 100k/300k/250k + c&c w/ 500dd for $600/ bike for the entire year w/ AAA... why? well, paranoia maybe...

a friend of a friend low-sided going down a canyon road (ACH) recently. his bike spun out, hit two parked cruisers (harleys), and then hit a ferrari.

do the math.
yah... i used to not think about it too much either.

but, although a bike doesn't do as much damage to a car upon impact, it is lighter and more likely to to get flung around once u go down. and, god-knows-what it might hit once it starts spinning on the ground- ie there is always an outside chance that it could hit multiple vehicles.

knocking over 2 harley's is prolly easily 5 to 10 grand in damage. i'm afraid to think how much it would cost to repair the door or bumper of an expensive car or exotic sports car if that were in the path as well. =(
That would be covered under liability, no? but I guess he'll need to pay for his own repair.

i recently increased my coverage to 100k/300k/250k + c&c w/ 500dd for $600/ bike for the entire year w/ AAA... why? well, paranoia maybe...

a friend of a friend low-sided going down a canyon road (ACH) recently. his bike spun out, hit two parked cruisers (harleys), and then hit a ferrari.

do the math.
Here's the thing. If your bike hits it, you are liable. If your insurance isn't enough to cover the damage then the other parties can sue you.

To my knowledge usually rich ppl carry lotsa insurance. So if u don't have enough, their uninsured/ underinsured policies ought to cover it. However, u would still be at the mercy of the lawyers of their insurance co...

It's not a very typical scenario, obviously. But, $600 a year is not too ridiculously expensive imo.
I pay 600 a year just for theft and liability, I'm looking to add full coverage soon. Almost had a dick rear end me today and I wasn't even riding hard. I was just going with traffic.
Yah... Realistically, I'd say the chances of any of us ever hitting a Ferrari is extremely slim.

When I asked AAA what's a "reasonably good" amount of coverage, they told me the 100/300/250 is good for a bike. The 100/300 bodily injury is in case hitting a pedestrian or something... The 250 property damage is in case of a Ferrari... <lol>. Wth
27 male / clean(er) record / schaumburg, IL

Progressive: $438 per year (w/ collision) - will be switching to basic coverage for winter months (so I will get credit towards next riding season)
mine is currently $16/mo for liability + uninsured motorist coverage. If I got rid of the UMC it would be $5/mo for liability.

29, male, married, no tickets for 9 years. State farm.
