Hate my life


New Member
Well right now I pretty much hate my life. I may be successful at my job but Im a complete f@# up when it came to college. I tried again and failed I put work head of college, and when it comes down to it I procrastinate to

A) Spend time with my fiance(she works nights, we see eachother on wensdays and sundays)
B) Recoup from a long week of work 12-930 every day and a 2 hour commute each way
C) Ride my bike(which usually is just commuting)

I fucked up, I let a class slip that I failed in the past and turned a few assignments in late, and here I stand being kicked out. Im ashamed of myself and feel absolutely worthless, and was to ashamed to ask my family or my fiance for help when I got behind because I didnt want to be a let down.

I Dont know how to tell her, weve been together for over 5 years, but this is the biggest let down not only to myself, but to her.....and my family, and to hers. Yeah I can go to another school, but I switched degrees at this college twice, and I have alot of student loan debt. Right now I feel like diving off a bridge(I wont do that) its just the feeling I have. Idk how to get over this. College just isnt my thing but I have put so much money into the degree I cant just walk away without a degree and pay 70K in loans for nothing. I had 3 quarters left....THREE.

Im afraid she might want to leave me because of this failure. My job is successful but who the hell cant pass college. Lots of people in this world can do it....why cant I. So 6 cigarettes and about a half hour of crying later....nothing has changed other then the fact I dont feel like crying anymore. I still feel like the biggest waste in the world guys. I let everyone down, including myself.
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I dont really know what to say man. Just be cool. Don't do anything else you may regret. As much as you may not think so. There is and will be other things to do what you want correctly. I would just be honest with her and yourself and try to make things right. It may take a while but what has transpired probably can't be changed. So just look at it as a lesson and make sure it does not happen again, For your sake. Nobody else's. :)
Sorry to hear that CC. If your girlfriend really cares about you, I find it hard to believe she'd leave if you tell her humbly and honestly you f*cked up, and tell her you're going to get back on the horse and finish no matter what it takes.

Please, by all means, do finish though. I've been so many people that dropped out with so little left when they get burned out, when that degree could have upped their income and helped them pay off their loans. Is it unreasonable to consider taking a cut at work and go to shorter hours? I know my last year of college I cut back to 20-30 hours max per week, and I'm glad I did, otherwise I don't know I would have made it. Perhaps cutting back your cost (maybe a few less bike mods :( ), cutting your hours, and jumping in head first to a new school might get you back on track?

I know a couple people that dropped out and have tens of thousands of dollars on loans, and when something happened to their job, then they have tons of debt, no degree, and no reliable way of getting a decent paying job. Suck it up, stick it out, and persevere.
It'll be alright man. You'll keep on breathing, the sun will come up tomorrow and life will go on as it always has. If I could recommend one thing, go ahead and tell her as soon as you can. You have to know how it's going to go and it'll hang on you until you do, and you don't want that weight, believe me. She may surprise you, and stay with you, she's stuck with you up to this point.

It's easy to be in a relationship when things are easy. It's the challenges and trials that let us know how real our relationships are. This is a hurdle for yours. If you make it through it, it'll bolster your confidence in every sense.

Now, before you talk to her, have an idea of what you'd like to do. Talk to the college and see if there's a statute of limitations, so that you can go again later or check with other schools to transfer. Nothing in life that is worth it is ever easy.

Bottom line is this, you made a mistake. First step is to forgive yourself, second is telling her along with some idea of how to proceed, and thirdly is to try and let yourself move past it. You've learned from it, there's little else you can accomplish by kicking yourself. Pick up the pieces, take a deep breath, make sure she's with you, and take the next steps together.

Good luck, if you need to talk, let me know.
CC, come on man it's not that bad. Step back and take a breath. We have all been down at one time or another. Some of us have been in holes that it looked like there was no getting out of. You are young,just step back and approach the problems from a different angle and it will all work out. Hard work and discipline will get you where you want to be. Good luck man!
My father and father-in-law have both succeeded very well without having college degrees. Both started their own businesses and have built them up to be companies they can be very proud of. Don't worry, we all have our screw ups. I'm 4 & 1/2 years into trying to pass the CPA exam and still have nothing to show for it. Just be thankful you still have a good job and you will figure out the rest. Your girl should understand even if her first response is a little rough. If a degree is what you need to do what you want to do in life, then get back on the horse and find a way. If your path doesn't show a need for it, then maybe now's not the time. Maybe it's time to enjoy family, etc. and focus on work. I'm proud to be a college graduate, but if I would have been good enough to go pro in golf at 20, you can bet I would have saved the degree for later. It's all about what makes the most sense now.
Josh, sorry, but some tough love here buddy. You've got to get your priorities straight. You don't work more hours than everyone else, and you're not the only person with a 2 hr commute each way. There's a lot of people that are tied up 10-12 hr per day with a job, who have children, and still manage to finish their schooling. You, and only you, have to decide what is important and follow through. The reason you got kicked out of school is not because of your job or your commute. It's because you didn't put in the required time and commitment to your schoolwork. If it is that important to you, treat it like it's that important to you. Quit screwin' around with mods to your bike and this forum and all the other things that waste your valuable time.. Spend that time on school. Unless, of course, everything else is more important to you than your job and school.

When I was in college, I went to school from 8AM - 6PM, and worked from 7PM to 2:30AM, Monday to Friday. Then I did schoolwork all day Saturday. Not because I'm a hero, but because it was that important and I committed to it.

Sorry to be harsh, but I felt you needed that slap in the back of the head my dad used to give me. Man up buddy.
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Sorry to hear that man...

Lets look at your options. Dont give up. Fight for it. Is it just the one class that is kicking you or the whole school? If its just the one class, take it or its equivalent later. If its the school, write a heart felt apology and beg for forgiveness. Ask for a face to face meeting with the Dean/advisers. Let them know your work situation. School IS important. Yes, you can do just fine without a degree, but LOTS of employers want that paper.

There is always options, and I would truly hope an education facility wouldn't just turn its back on a student. Keep your head up and take this thing head on. You are a great salesman! :D
Thanks guys, this is the response I just recieved from my teacher.

I just finished speaking with Joshua. He further explained the situation, including the fact that should he fail this course a second time he would no longer be able to continue his education in the same manner in which he is currently pursuing his degree. With that said, I do not want to be the barrier between Joshua and his degree, and have agreed to grade his assignments with a late penalty of one day since he missed the deadline. I have also asked Joshua that he put forth his best effort during his remaining quarters to proactively communicate with his instructors and to avoid similar situations to the best of his ability moving forward.

If you need any additional information from me, please let me know.

Thank you-
Thanks guys, this is the response I just recieved from my teacher.
That's awesome!!! Now I expect we'll be hearing less from you on this forum? The finish line is in sight. Put on your blinders and focus on it. Forget about all those things that won't contribute to your success. It'll be hard at first, but you can do it.

If you think you can or you think you can't, you're absolutely right!
Congrats Josh.. Dont take this lightly. Thats a hell of a second (third?) chance man! Take full advantage of what you have just been given. I can give ya a 30 day ban if that would help keep you off the forum and focus on your school...??? :D
Congrats Josh.. Dont take this lightly. Thats a hell of a second (third?) chance man! Take full advantage of what you have just been given. I can give ya a 30 day ban if that would help keep you off the forum and focus on your school...??? :D

uhm no. :spank:

focus is on school. Working on it as we speak. Thanks loves.
Congrats Josh.. Dont take this lightly. Thats a hell of a second (third?) chance man! Take full advantage of what you have just been given. I can give ya a 30 day ban if that would help keep you off the forum and focus on your school...??? :D
Jay, maybe we should see how much he's on, and then put it to a vote if we think it's too much?

"Josh, if you're on here too often, you're grounded!"

Josh! Pull it together my friend. If I could trade all my stuff to be your age I would in a second. You have the world by the tail and do not realise it. Think about all the young men and women that have given their lives for this country and the freedoms we have. :)
