Hanging my lid for a while!

6R Blackout

New Member
I won't be riding for a while, I put my girl up last week and won't be riding her for about 6 weeks more or less. I will be having a small surgical procedure done on my right hand tomorrow for Carpral tunnel. Then 3weeks later gonna go have my left hand done. Doc said I should give it atleast six weeks but if I go six on my right hand it will be
9 weeks cause of my left hand. He said I will have use of my hand but my palm will be as sore as hell for about 4 weeks and that's for each hand. I don't want to be away from riding that long, maybe I could try sooner and see how it feels or just take the doctors advice so everything will heal correctly. What's you guys take on this?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Casey (aka) Hunter77!


Lumen Junkie
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New Member
Sorry to hear about it. Hope the operation goes well and that you heal up quickly!

6R Blackout

New Member
I am hoping I am not out for as long as the doctor said I could be out for, I am hoping to bounce back quickly, but my doctor wouldn't do both all in the same time. Not to mention I am unemployed and I am not really hitting the streets for a job until I get this done cause I am a welder by trade and I need my hands, part of the reason I was laid off from my welding job was cause I was having trouble with my welds cause of the constant pain. I went see my Dr. after I got laid off and he sent me for a nerve test that confirmed I had what he called severe Carpral Tunnel, I asked him if it was cause of my job and he said that my case happened over a period of several years and only being at my last job for 5 years he said it started long before that. But I am fortunate and I have a wonder girlfriend who is really supportive right now, so all will be ok. I just hope I can ride sooner than later.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Casey (aka) Hunter77!


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6R Blackout

New Member
Thanks guys, well in about 2 hours from now I will be "under the knife". Man I know I have to do this but I really don't like having to do this. Any kind of surgery wether major or in this case minor still sucks and makes me a little nervous.

I will try to be back on the forum and chatting with you all when I can but for now TTYL!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Casey (aka) Hunter77!


New Member
Did you have carpal tunnel before joining the forum? Take your time on rehab so everything has the time it needs to recover. Your ride will be patiently waiting for your return!


I had my right wrist done a year and a half ago and if I would have known it would get rid of the wrist pain when riding I would have had it done sooner. Give it time to heal, I think I went back riding in about five weeks. It was a little sore at first but is like gold now. Good luck!


New Member
Mine was arthoscopic and healed fast. Did it about 10 years ago.


New Member
Thanks guys, well in about 2 hours from now I will be "under the knife". Man I know I have to do this but I really don't like having to do this. Any kind of surgery wether major or in this case minor still sucks and makes me a little nervous.

I will try to be back on the forum and chatting with you all when I can but for now TTYL!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Casey (aka) Hunter77!

Best of luck and wishes to you, brudda! Here's to a swift and painless recovery! :iconbeer:


waiting out winter
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New Member
My boss just had both of his done at the same time, and he was out from work for about 2 weeks. I think he was riding in about 3.5-4 weeks. He said it is a world of difference, and he wishes that he would have done it sooner.

Holy Smokes! BOTH at the same time??? How the hell did he wipe his a$$?? I am very lucky since I did repetative factory work for over 30 years and so far my wrists are fine. Good luck with your surgery,,to bad this was not done during the winter when your bike was laid up. All the best..your wrists I am sure will thank you.

6R Blackout

New Member
Well I am feeling ok my hand is sore. It's all wrapped my fingers are exposed but every know and then I am reminded that it's sore. Thanks for all the support I really can't wait to ride. I hope it is successful and really helps eliminate most of my pain. Well gonna sign off for now it's starting to hurt a bit!


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Casey (aka) Hunter77!


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6R Blackout

New Member
Did you have carpal tunnel before joining the forum? Take your time on rehab so everything has the time it needs to recover. Your ride will be patiently waiting for your return!

I did have it before I joined the forum but it wasn't bothering me too bad. I waited to go to the doctor for as long as I could.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Casey (aka) Hunter77!

6R Blackout

New Member
Going to see the physical therapy people on the 29th. Then will be back at the Dr. on 7-18-12 to schedule my left hand. Can't wait to get this little cast off my hand and see how much of a difference it has done. I am well enough to check out the forum, and keep up with current events like CC's new ride, that's a nice bike CC.

Well I am getting better more each day and wanting to ride even more each day but I know come 7-18-12 I will be looking into my left hand.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Casey (aka) Hunter77!


New Member
Btw, we all know why you really have carpal tunnel..... Keep it up and you'll go blind, too! ;)
