FZ6R Riders Show us your baby!!

Hey Sasha, since you got a naked XJ6 can you do a favour for me? I have a thread in the XJ6 forum requesting a photo on the throttle body on this bike. Could you please post one up over on that thread for me?

I am a big fan of the naked bikes too. I would've got a FZ6N, but they are not allowed to be ridden by people with my class of license (newbies) here in Australia.
My Baby, plus my full track leathers ;)


Awesome pic!
WOW,, What a great shot! Some time I would like to get a leather suit again,sadly the one I did have went with the bike (GSXR 750) which I sold 15 years ago. Here is my new 6R, taken last week. Treats for the bike are comin.:thumbup:
here is mine set up for my first roadtrip on a motorcycle. Just went to my home town for the weekend, but had a great time. Rode with my parents for the first time. They have just gotten into riding aswell and we all just can't get enough now.


Looking good, there UNDATC!

What bags are those? Those seem to be precisely what I'm looking for! Did you have to make a special rig to hold everything together?
Thanks, they work really well too. They are the Cortech sport tail bag and sport saddlebags. They are simple to install and they all attach to each other and to the bike with straps that are provided. You can use them together like in the pic or separately. The tank bag is the Corteck mini tank bag.
Does anyone have any photos of themselves and the bike? Of themselves i mean ppl who are 5' - 5'7" because i just wanna see the difference. im a short guy and im thinkiing of getting one. i just want a comparison since no dealer has it for show :S
Here's mines and my wife sitting on the bike is 5'8". Wish her feet were on the ground so you can really tell the height. But she can flat foot it at that height and the seat in the lowest setting.
The Phoenix got some attention on Saturday by the lovely ladies at TK (they have a bike show every other Saturday at the location nearby my house) :cheer:

I suppose these could go in the "What Not To Wear While Riding" thread... but the ladies weren't actually riding... so I approve of their attire whole heartedly...

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