Decal Removal


New Member
All the decals are off, but the residue wont come off. I put Goo Gone on it but it doesn't seem to do anything
Im more than a little cautious about putting lighter fluid on my plastics
Why may I ask? You're not going to leave it on there and I'm sure you won't have any fire around. Put on, wipe off, clean and buff and anything else will evaporate in no time. You're not dousing it, you only need a tiny bit. But, it's cool, if you're not comfortable then you shouldn't do it ... just a suggestion :)


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i used 3m adhesive remover for my residue. it even took off the gas tank warning sticker residue like it was nothing. i had to order it from 3m's website but some people i heard had luck finding it at walmart. i swear by the stuff now after using it on my bike. just spray it on, let it sit for a couple of minutes then wipe it up.


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My grandma's old trick - peanut butter. It has enough grit in it to free up the adhesive, and the oil takes away the stickiness, all this without a scratch. It works faster on sticker glue than decal glue, but I used it on my bike and it worked.

Jiff, Skippy or Toner's organic???

Actually if you get organic peanut butter the oil will seperate from the other stuff.

My only concern would be dogs following me.


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did my fairings yesterday heated little bits at a time with a blow dryer took like 10 mins to remove one side and barely any residue. Then used a bit of wd40 and a cloth residue came right off. Then cleaned and waxed. shiny shiny


Rubbing alcohol works nice......
1)Heat 2)Rubbing Alcohol 3) Lint free towel 3)Windex 4)Mircofiber sham.

EVERYTHING OFF. Finally will post pics soon


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I had my fairings at a body shop for some minor scratch removal on one of them - I took off decals with blow dryer - then they used some lacquer thinner that only they can get and the residue came right off (he said try finger nail polish remover - i tried that not much luck) - then he used auto magic no22 strawberry wet wax and BAM - look like brand new - i decided to go with clean look when i found out decals for one fairing were $100+ - for stickers - c'mon LOL he said the clear coat on the paint really protects the paint - unless you let the chemicals just sit on it - paint should not be damaged - he showed me rag after using laquer thinner - no sign of blue paint at all


New Member
I tried taking off my decals but heating them up with a blow dryer, but all it did was make the decal brittle and break off in very small pieces.

Am I doing something wrong. If I keep up this pace, it will take days to get just one Yamaha decal off.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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Pull real slow - and with nice easy steady pull - and move your fingers as close to the fairing as possible as it starts to peel off - if you have small nicks in the stickers from rocks or anything - they will rip/break at those points - only other thing i can think off is that they have weatherred and become brittle - but my bike is an 09 - and i just took mine off - it's garaged but in the Texas heat - and mine came off pretty good - as soon as the area you are pulling gets wider than an inch or so - start see-sawing the motion back and forth so you are only trying to pull off a small section at a time - not the whole width of the sticker - on the really wide sections i actually went ahead and broke it at the middle so i was only pull half at one time

You aren't talking about the decal on the windscreen are you - cause that one is a pain in the rear


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bobby bo bonsin

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Do not use a razor blade! Just get a blow dryer and heat it up a moderate amount get a finger nail under it and start peeling. Pull slowly to remove larger pieces. Once its off some wd40 on a clean terry cloth rag and a little elbow grease will get the rest off. Actually it works well when you spray the wd40 on the remaining glue and let it set for a few minutes before wiping off or work it into the glue a little and then let sit for a few minutes. Shouldnt need anything stronger than wd40. When done use a little water or soap and water to remove wd40 residue and then apply some wax.

Hello my real name is Adam.


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I removed mine with a hair dryer and it couldn't be easier. Just pull slow. It comes off so easy. Didn't even need to wipe off residue ImageUploadedByTapatalk1361895705.218564.jpg


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I used a heat gun to get all mine off and then a little bit of "goo gone" to get off the little bit of glue that was left behind. Took me about an hour to do the tank, swingarm, and the "FZ6R" fairing stickers.


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