Chilling crash sequence from Barber


Staff member
OMG! After seeing how his body was bent in those pics I did not expect to see him walking away! Crazy stuff.
Pic 11 is proof of helmets working, if he didnt have a helmet, id bet my weeks salary it would have killed him, if not given him brain damage. Frame 17 looks like a broken wrist.
You might all be surprised to know that he walked away without a single broken bone. Hard to believe after seeing the pictures.
That is really terrifying. Surprised that he came away particularly unscathed. On another note that is one amazing photographer.
Wow not knowing the outcome easily could have said several breaks that I though would have happened. Great shots though , glad he came out without any breaks or severe injuries.
No broken bones? Make sure Mr. Glass doesn't find out!
ouch. i thought he broke his arm. glad he's okay

WOW! Thank goodness for gravel and grass! Thanks for the link.

