Camshaft specs... The next project!

Me too I think this thread is like the Six million dollar man. "we cab rebuild it make it Better, Stonger, Faster.:D
:sinister:Ok first thing is to pull out that 600 cc and put in and Nuke powerd steam turbine, direct drive of course:rockon: we dont need no gears :thumbup:. Maybe a couple of reverse thuster to slow us down thow in some quad disc's front and back. Frame is swaped out for carbon fiber. Farings carbon fiber. Now were talking.:D
Ever get any vid with the Go-Pro ?
Are you going to vid the Dyno run as well ?
Inquiring minds want to know . :)
Will you do a tutorial of the process afterward ?
Sorry , just catching up .
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Any new updates on this? Also are these interference motors? I am very interested in this if it works out well. I may have missed it but what cam gears did you end up using, fz or R6? And some pics of the machining that was done to the gears would be sweet. Thanks and good luck.
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This is it folks! Got everything ready for tomorrow morning big day! I'll keep everyone posted during the day...

I did installed my PLX MAP sensor yesterday. Kind of too early to feel any difference but I'm using Autotune with the MAP sensor now instead of TPS. I have been convince that it was the way to go to tune for bottom end cruising speed (under 15% throttle)

So we will see how it goes. I would like to tune the bike on the lean side and use the MAP for throttle response. Would be better than running rich to avoid those flat spot...

Yeah the widedband (PLX) is definitely the way to get better AFR readings.
Keep us apprised of the outcome.
