and The Darwin Award goes to...!

[ame=]kenny cat piss - YouTube[/ame]

This is what its coming to....
Yep! It is the parents fault, that is who is to blame, they should be teaching there kids better!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Casey (aka) Hunter77!
That article was so surprising, there are no bounds to the lengths of stupidity some people travel for, "a good time", My parents also taught me about safe drinking and they slowly introduced me to alcohol from a very young age. My dad even introduced drugs and taught me how to identify them(No we did not smoke or do any of them. ) The reason he had was the area we used to live in had lots of addicts. So after their first fixes of the night they'd be so messed up they would drop their drugs and you'd find them in the morning. My dad would trow it away to make sure kids didn't end up stumbling into things like that. (Was right across from a school)

Is it not obvious this kind of forward thinking of stupidity comes from Cali.??? Here in the midwest most parents go to their kids sporting events get drunk and let their kids run loose in the hotels:rolleyes:

I check my kids where abouts, who they are hanging out with, and their f/b. I don't know why we can't have parents that can control their own kids. Beat the parents!!!!!!

I am not suprised at all, "it's not my fault" world is in full force!
