Ammunition shortage?


New Member
Has anyone else noticed the shortage of ammo lately? Apparently the country has gone into panic and has bought up all the guns and ammo lately lol. My local gun shop got 10,000 rounds in and sold it all in 3 days. This is ridiculous lol.
I hear ya... I went to a gun auction on Saturday and people were buying everything overpriced. AR's didn't go for under 1500 when you used to be able to get them for around 600-700. Ammo is going fast right now.
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I'm pretty not able to buy ammo right now...

I need some 7.62x39 and normally I get it for like 22cents a round but right now prices are through the damn roof.....

I have to wait until everything calms down then I can buy up ammo again and go back to the range. Stupid panic buyers....
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Lol, this isn't politics, just a general statement about something I noticed in my area, and was wondering if anyone else has experienced the same outside of Michigan.

Anyways I ended up at 4 different stores, and finally found a nice stockpile of 9mm, so I bought A LOT of it lol. Price was quite high too.
Well I just bought a springfield xd9. cost me $550, absolutely love the gun. If you're looking for something a bit cheaper, check out the ruger sr40c, sr9c, both good guns and cost around $450. Also the s&w m&p shield is nice as well as the beretta nano. Now if you're really looking for a lot cheaper, check out the sccy cpx-2. cool little gun for around $250 and comes with a lifetime warranty. If you can give me an idea of what you're looking to spend I can point you in a good direction
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Yeah, my man and I took our concealed weapons permit back in September and all we had to do to get it was go get finger-printed and go through some sort of mental health questions. Which is fine, I ain't scurred of a little wacky person test. Haha. But with what happened on the east coast with the shooting, our waiting time to actually get the permit has increased. People over here have gone a little gun crazy too. I haven't bought myself a handgun yet, my man has a glock of some sort(haha, sad I don't know what it is.) I know rifles, but I don't know handguns...yet. I'm looking for a big enough one that will fit in my womanly-man hands, but small enough to fit in my purse or a carrying case that will be attached to me.

I should just purchase a rocket launcher and attach it to my bike. Now that would be ideal.
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Really, and how do we get access to such an area?
Don, quit editing the posts before I can read them! :p
You're really on top of it today. Slow at work? Hehe. Jk! You know you're my fav!

On another note fizz girl I have a mosquito which is a .22. It's a blast to shoot if you get good ammo.
I personally conceal and carry the springfield XD.40, very comfortable and with the extended mag you're carrying around 13 shots if you keep one in the chamber.

But, for home protection and just a range gun I suggest something full size and no subcompacts.
I personally conceal and carry the springfield XD.40, very comfortable and with the extended mag you're carrying around 13 shots if you keep one in the chamber.

But, for home protection and just a range gun I suggest something full size and no subcompacts.

good points on all accounts..

I like my always loaded shot gun that is right next to my bed.
