So cal Forum Meet up on 1/14 pictures video

you guys make me sick you get to ride 12 months out of the year while we people in the midwest are stuck with this snow and ice and below 0 crap...

<----- Jealous
hey you get to make snow angles and we don't lol

You also get neat stuff we have never heard of like block heaters and snow shovels and stuff :)
Believe it or not we were actually thinking about all you midwest / east coast guys while we were out. I hear by make declaration that anyone who comes out and rents a bike (or just rides out here) will have a guided bike ride by one or more of the so cal guys!
castic is about 45 min
126 / six flags is about 60 id say its about that.

JT check out Lake Hughes Road on google maps and follow it off the 5. I have been on some of that route and its a great ride. If you want to meet over there sometime let me know, be a much shorter day for you. or at least a longer ride vs. travel ration LOL
you guys make me sick you get to ride 12 months out of the year while we people in the midwest are stuck with this snow and ice and below 0 crap...

<----- Jealous

Snow?????? is that the white stuff they MAKE at Snow Summit… It was cold when we were riding…. we had to put on long sleeves shirts under our jackets… real cold…
We did, everyone was BSing about all their different experiences on this bike.
That was Chris from Long Beach friend i believe who had the suit. I do not know anything about it but it looked expensive. ;)

I found it! $700 replica suit by Mizma... hehehe well, still not cheap.

Mizma Leather | Superiority Fashioned | Motorbike & Fashion Leather Apparels Lorenzo Motorbike Racing Leather Suit MLS 117

Looks like they make every kind of replica suit out there... Wonder if the quality is any good and if they are safe. I want a Rossi one just for fun... LOL
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Snow?????? is that the white stuff they MAKE at Snow Summit… It was cold when we were riding…. we had to put on long sleeves shirts under our jackets… real cold…

are you trying to make them feel better? you forgot to mention you had a mesh jacket on!

I found it! $700 replica suit by Mizma... hehehe well, still not cheap.

Mizma Leather | Superiority Fashioned | Motorbike & Fashion Leather Apparels Lorenzo Motorbike Racing Leather Suit MLS 117

Looks like they make every kind of replica suit out there... Wonder if the quality is any good and if they are safe. I want a Rossi one just for fun... LOL

man you could almost buy a running motorcycle for that :)
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Dude I love it it was sick!!! I already shared it in a few places.

so did that website work for you to download the vids?? what software are you using again adobe?

thanks for doing that man. cant wait for part 2.

It took for ever looking through all the vids.... I don't want to be to long so people would watch the whole thing.... I'll try to work on the second one on Friday....

Jt do u got more footage of going up and down hill.... I want to redo the first one.... Like I said before it was the first time using the adobe premier software.... And I think I can do it better....

I used the link you gave me to down load the vids and adobe premier to edit.... That program has a lot of extras so the more I play with it the better I get....

Next time we go I want to get some good footage of the guys hitting turns while some one records it from the side.... I think that will look nice....

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I just checked out that road It looks pretty good! and pics at lake castic im sure would be sweet!

yeah you can get right above the lake. let me know when you want to go.

It took for ever looking through all the vids.... I don't want to be to long so people would watch the whole thing.... I'll try to work on the second one on Friday....

Jt do u got more footage of going up and down hill.... I want to redo the first one.... Like I said before it was the first time using the adobe premier software.... And I think I can do it better....

I used the link you gave me to down load the vids and adobe premier to edit.... That program has a lot of extras so the more I play with it the better I get....

Next time we go I want to get some good footage of the guys hitting turns while some one records it from the side.... I think that will look nice....

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That mean i can speed up a bit next time? :) thanks for the work guys, im going to go check this out now.
not this weekend but the following may work

That could work.... But maybe a Sunday.... If that works for u guys....

Now we know we can set the pace faster.... We can get some better shots....

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That could work.... But maybe a Sunday.... If that works for u guys....

Now we know we can set the pace faster.... We can get some better shots....

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Either is good for me, i am soo easy, as my wife tells me all the time lol. If someone wants to go now ill fake sick and get out of here lol.

This was up off the 5 by Magic Mountain, its a pretty good ride for you to get there, probably about the same hour or hour and a half JT had to do to get down here.
