
is that you or the drunk ghost :zombie:
Are u on here all the time but never post???? I am!!! Post here if that's u!

Really drunk lOl?? Jack denials! Sorry!

That's Daniels, not denials. LMAO!!!
posting :D
I found this ironic myself but here I am posting. :) I usually don't post because I can find most of what I'm looking for just by using the search.
I'm here almost every night without signing on. Only post when I can't help myself as I'm not much in-the-know... Same with FaceBook. Should probably just change my screen name to Voyeur....:rolleyes:

This is, however, a very valuable and very entertaining forum!
I found this ironic myself but here I am posting. :) I usually don't post because I can find most of what I'm looking for just by using the search.

someone actually uses search? :wtfgun:
Yeah i mostly lurk.:D
