Biggest pansy or biggest bawls for posting?

Geez I hope the deer was okay!!! Stupid motorcycle rider!! Deer was just trying to cross the street. :(


I did not care for his childish behavior so I feel no sort of sorry for him. MAN UP! Even I'm more of a man than that and I'm the girliest chick ever!! :shakehead:
Geez I hope the deer was okay!!! Stupid motorcycle rider!! Deer was just trying to cross the street. :(


I did not care for his childish behavior so I feel no sort of sorry for him. MAN UP! Even I'm more of a man than that and I'm the girliest HOTT chick ever!! :shakehead:

Fixed it for you :cool:
I guess if you are that weak..... I have a plate, 6 screws, a steel rod, and a steel bone wrap in my leg. Only thing I said when it shattered, AWW DAMIT! LOL! no b.s. my wife was there with her friend, who upon seeing me playing with it like a pendulem, started to puke. lol! Screaming doesn't help. Actually it causes you blood to flow faster and that causes more pain by allowing more to go to the broken or sprained area.

I have an unreal threashhold for pain though. Unless it's a sliver, then I bitch about it for days.. LMFAO!
I guess if you are that weak..... I have a plate, 6 screws, a steel rod, and a steel bone wrap in my leg. Only thing I said when it shattered, AWW DAMIT! LOL! no b.s. my wife was there with her friend, who upon seeing me playing with it like a pendulem, started to puke. lol! Screaming doesn't help. Actually it causes you blood to flow faster and that causes more pain by allowing more to go to the broken or sprained area.

I have an unreal threashhold for pain though. Unless it's a sliver, then I bitch about it for days.. LMFAO!

I feel you, I shattered my forearm when I was in the military. 20+ fractures and until just a couple years ago I had 8 screws and a couple plates wrapped around my bones in my wrist/forearm. I spent 8 months between a cast and therapy, actually I think it was 8 months therapy to get use of my arm back. I have to give that surgeon some credit, though I wish he wouldn't have changed one of things he did, that actually causes me pain now.

But when I did it I got up, out of the water that I landed in from the road and picked up the girl that was riding with me and put her on the shore, I remember looking at my arm and just cussing up a storm. 20 minutes later the ambulance came and they just loaded me with morphine... I was happy...

Until the hospital when they put my fingers in metal chinese style finger cuffs and had a big SOB guy hang from my arm to stretch it back out... I screamed so load hey heard me in the waiting room, I will never forget that pain, even on drugs. I almost passed out...

Later that night I had compartment syndrome set it, that was just about if not worse than the guy hanging from my arm... I almost had surgery that night because of it.

at no time did I scream like a baby... I cussed a lot but that's apart of being military, you suck it the F up and get on with it.
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Well, I'm a first responder and have dealt with similar injuries (shattered ankle/foot), most recently a motorcycle incident just about 10 days ago. That one wasn't even really a crash. 24 year old kid with a wildly overpowered and heavy bike stopped short behind a car that was slowing to make a left turn, may have bumped his tire against the bumper or may not have (there were no signs of impact) and the bike came down on his foot. I've seen similar injuries involving firefighters, police and ex-military. His reaction is typical. Unless you've had a similar injury (hand/wrist or ankle/foot), I'd hold my tongue before pronouncing how you would have handled it differently. No, arms and legs don't count. Even a broken femur doesn't come close to the pain level that you get from the shattering of the intricate and nerve-heavy structures of the hand and foot.

The reaction in the video was pretty typical. Immediate Acute Stress Reaction, which would commonly be referred to as "freaking out." The freak-out phase typically lasts 30-120 seconds, but some of the ongoing effects (elevated breath rate and pulse) will often last for as long as an hour and can mask real shock symptoms. For the first 30-120 seconds you are not "on game." What comes out of your mouth is not thought through, just instinctive and often silly. Once had a guy screaming for his dog, who was at home. Makes no sense, but that's the way these things are.

After that, the pain is just plain excruciating. As I said, broken ankles and shattered hands/feet are the most painful things out there. One of the guys I've dealt with in the field was a retired Marine. Said it was a lot less painful being shot, and had the scars to prove that he knew of what he spoke.

Pain from those injuries is pretty much a 10 on a scale of 10. We don't even bother asking them to rate it. It's understood. Depending on the specifics of the injury, some people black out which makes a lot of extra trouble for the attending because you have no idea whether they lost consciousness from a head injury or from pain, and you have to always assume the worst until ruled out.

Obviously the guy was an idiot. In a situation like that you need paramedics and you need them now. You don't call your mom. I'm trained at dealing with this stuff in the field and I call the paramedics most of the time. But again, your brain does weird things when you're in that much pain which is why you need other people around to think for you. If I were the guy who stopped, I'd already have called 911 and my only words for his mom before rendering appropriate care would be "ambulance on the way, this is the location."

And yeah, the utter lack of gear was the real disaster here, as it was for the one I treated last week. Kid's going to have months of orthopedic surgery, probably never get full use of his foot back, and all for the cost of a pair of sturdy over-the-ankle boots.

While I agree that hands and feet are about the most painful points to screw up, I also think that this kid was babied way too much to have a clue as to what was going on and how to react.

I've had my foot operated on 4 times as a result of my injuries from my time in the service. I've had it broken, torn apart and so on... I no longer even feel more than half of it, except when it wants to hurt.... lol. I have good drugs for that.

In all my injuries and all the injuries I tried while active duty I never saw anything like this kid. I did see a master chief cry though but he lost his leg, I'll give him that. BTW, I was a Naval Corpsman. I've seen some shit, had to put a guy back together from a 50 cal round hit. He was out for days so he had no clue as to what was going on.

The most pain I've ever felt wasn't from my foot injuries though it was the 20+ fractures in my arm. I can certainly say that it was an experience...

Also I always laugh at that 1-10 pain scale rating system. no one knows what the heck to say... it's hilarious to watch them think about it. It's got it's point but people just don't understand it well enough.
There was an accident here the other day involving 2 motorcyclists, I arrived to block traffic, and I could see him sitting perfectly calm on the median with his leg facing the wrong way, but the other rider was just screaming. 2 different extremes
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You want to know real pain.....

.....have a kidney stone.
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I work in surgery. I've seen it all. Anyone can react to a sort of pain in their own way. Something that is excruciating to one may affect someone else in a different way. Believe me I get it. But, lets lighten this up a little... this thread is for fun and giggles..... :D

Thank you and GOODNIGHT!! :postwhore:
I think he has balls for posting how much of a pudding he really is!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Casey (aka) Hunter77!
You want to know real pain.....
.....have a kidney stone.
lol, been there, I don't hardy drink soda anymore just for that reason, same with coffee... I drank so much coffee I ended up with one of those, that junk will make you sweat bullets.... I don't wish that on many people...

I'm going to disagree, only because I've seen it lots of times, and often it was guys who you wouldn't expect to react that way: firefighters and one retired Marine I mentioned before. Then you'll sometimes see a 120lb girl who by all rights should have passed out from the pain and she's handling it just fine.

The one tiny bit of insight I have gleaned from all of it is that the crazy reactions are more often less crazy when you see it coming. The firefighter who reacted like that was hurt dealing with equipment in the firehouse and was probably not "on guard" when it happened. When you're looking for it (like when the guy had to TIP your arm in the hospital) or when it develops slowly (compartment syndrome) the reaction is different than when it comes out of the blue. Seems like the mental shock of the incident is lessened when you are thinking about being in a dangerous situation and keeping alert. The alertness may not save you, but it puts you in the right state of mind before the accident.

And that may be one of the real lessons of this situation. The kid was most likely being way too casual in his mental attitude, to say nothing of his dress. You can't keep high alert going indefinitely, but you need to keep a higher level of alertness when on a motorcycle than you do in most daily activities. It won't necessarily keep you from being nailed by a deer, but it'll probably temper your reaction when the bad things do happen.

IDK man, most of my experience has been with military personnel. Hell when I had my foot broken it was a steel plate that fell off the top of a truck, barely hit the side of my foot but split the navicular and one of the cuniforms. That sucked for a couple months, then a few months later I ripped all the ligaments off the outside of the ankle joint. That set of injuries cost me 4 surgeries...

Pain sucks, that's certainly true.... I've had my fair share. Luckily I never got shot during my service though. I've had to put plenty of people back together though in the field and I've heard people scream all kinds of crap, just not to the baby level that this kid did. I've seen people cry, wine, and so on but this kid was on par with my nephews fits when he got hurt at age 7... But sure, I'm sure you have seen others react like this. I still call it a pansy reaction... or maybe a first timers reaction is more accurate.
that poor lil guy - I mean the deer! :p
The more I think about it, the more I think that's probably what it really is. It's one thing when you're looking for it, have thought about it, have thought about how bad it could get or maybe have even witnessed it in others. Sadly, I suspect this kid, and probably the one I dealt with last week hadn't even considered the possibility. They were taken by surprise in a lot of ways all at once.

did you see the thread on here about the guy that cut a coyote in half with his bike. yeah, that was a crazy animal hit.
