Post your emoticons here.

thats like kryptonite. . . . please dont.
Too soon?

My apologies.

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I will just keep the hoodoo priest on retainer. :D

EDIT: if your friends can't give you a poke with a sharp stick every now and then, what good are they?

Whats hoodoo? Is that like some adam sandler sacrilegious practice?
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I want a tent rock.
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send him a PM he usually uses tapatalk for most of the time. kindly remind him and he will do it.
Dang! You guys went nuts! Some of those emoticons are already in use on this forum. I can't possibly try to get all those add on here. :eek:

Here's what I'll try to do. Discuss here which are the top 10 we want added to the forum. Once we are in agreement, I'll try to get to work adding them to the board. Sound fair? Proceed.
My top pics...

and this one just for Rook
