My trip to KFC

Mr Citrus

New Member
So, I just got off work, and picked the bike up from home to go grab something to eat. I turn onto the highway, sun shining, wind whipping around me in the gorgeous 70 degree weather. I spot a familiar shape in the distance, that famous outline of the KFC head. Instantly, I'm reminded of this commercial [ame=]KFC U.S. Commercial: Chunky Chicken Pot Pie for $3.99 - YouTube[/ame]
Eventually, I arrive in the parking lot, and as I turn to park in a spot, I come upon a minivan sitting in the middle of the path. I stop behind him, trying as much as possible to be visible in his mirrors. Suddenly, I see reverse lights.

I try and give a wave showing him that I'm here, but he keeps backing up. I then LAY on my horn while trying to back up. The minivan comes to a halt, and the driver goes forward into the great beyond. Crisis averted!

So I walk into the kfc, and nobody is up at the counter. So, I go to the counter and wait for an employee to come and take my order. About half a minute later, an employee with grillz comes up to the counter.

ME: Hi, could I get a chi-----
HIM: HEY, youz ridez a motorcycle, rite??
ME:Yah, I do, can I ge--------------
ME: It's a 600, now can I----------
ME: A real bike?
HIM: Yuh, a 600 is what they train motorcycle cops on

ME: So wheres your bike?
HIM: OH, I got mu licensey taken away a while ago, I used to have an 1100.
ME: Oh yah, what kind?
HIM: It wuz real custOmized, it was a low rider, but every time I would hit a bump the exhaust would fall off.
ME: Can I just have a chicke-----
HIM: For here or to go?
ME: It's to go
HIM: What do you want to get?
ME: I just want a chicken pot pie.
So I pay Ray, and get my food. I start to head at the door, and see that guy standing by my bike looking at it. So I walk over, and put the key in, and more gold starts spewing from his mouth.
HIM: What is this, a kawasaki?
ME: No, it's a Yamaha.
HIM: No itz not, wuts tat on the tank?
ME: It's the yamaha symbol.
HIM: Oh, I thought it was some aftermarket shit. Have you ever thought of making this a lowrider?
ME: No, I haven't
HIM(way out from left field this time) Yah My friends were ruff ryders.
ME: That's cool
HIM: Yaah, we used to do wheelies up the street, and we were trying to learn a trick where we ride next to each other AND SWITCH BIKES WHILE RIDING.
ME: With your low rider?
HIM: YAH It was rad, but we wrecked doin it once and mu freend lost 3 toes.
ME( at this point, I've put the food in my backpack and am zipping my jacket up) That sucks.
HIM: YAH, I'm thinking of buying a golf cart from my uncle, lowering it, and adding metal to the back to make a small truck. In AJ, you don't need a license for an engine under 50cc.
ME: Oh really?
HIM, yah, it would look like a small version of that(he points to )

(At this point, I pause putting my helmet on to take in everything he just said)
ME: Yah, I'm gonna go home now
HIM: OKAY, Come back real soon now


I shit you not.Just happened
Ha! Thats classic...
HIM: It wuz real custOmized, it was a low rider, but every time I would hit a bump the exhaust would fall off.


Dis what he fin to ride, jo. See? The exhaust already done fell off.

But on the reals, that was hella funny, bra.

this was of epic proportions. I miss your stories citrus. More are needed. GoPro/Contour+ KFC=humor....go now....must get footage.
That guy was an erudite citizen compared to the Rhodes scholars we have here in Atlanta.

I feel your pain.

Do you go to the dictionary on a daily basis and pick a word 99.99% of people have no clue whether its real or not and find an opportunity to use it?

I swear you stump Rook so often...he calls me asking about the terms you use daily. Just sayin.

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We used to have a KFC here. It was right next to the Taco Bell, which was right next to the Pizza Hut. The Hut burned and didn't reopen. Hmmm, I wonder why not? The Taco Bell and KFC both closed because the food and "service" was so bad. How crappy does a business have to be to screw-up fried chicken, or a taco? Glad none of you or your bike aren't uncollected evidence on the bottom of a minivan.
We used to have a KFC here. It was right next to the Taco Bell, which was right next to the Pizza Hut. The Hut burned and didn't reopen. Hmmm, I wonder why not? The Taco Bell and KFC both closed because the food and "service" was so bad. How crappy does a business have to be to screw-up fried chicken, or a taco? Glad none of you or your bike aren't uncollected evidence on the bottom of a minivan.

well if they are found to have fecal poopie matter in their "meat" and when KFC people are caught hand stirring the cole slaw mix with no gloves and elbow deep in a 5 gallon pail...they tend to fail. Thats why I go the frozen meal route....havent heard anything bad about them...yet.
LOL... too funny.

I know exactly where you're coming from with that story: I've been living one block away from a KFC for the last 8 years and haven't set foot in the place.
Mr. Citrus...

Didn't you know there was a special ordinance in Apache Junction??

All women must weigh at least 300 lbs. and the men's IQ cannot exceed that of a turnip.

Missing toes are optional...

It's all skinny drug addicts out here!

Side question, are you nearby?
It's all skinny drug addicts out here!

Side question, are you nearby?

Indeed! I can't walk outside of work here in Phoenix to have a smoke without being accosted by bums, vagrants, meth addicts, and junkies of all sorts asking for money, smokes, etc. whilst feeding me sob stories made-up to get money out of rubes. It's the redonk factor, to be sure. :zombie:

Oh, let's not forget people asking to use my smartfone. I was letting the bike warm-up getting ready to leave work when a gent of a dubious nature asked the guy parked next to me to use his phone. After being rejected, he yelled a bunch of obcenities, then asked me. I said no, but told him that there's a phone inside.

Addict: Man, buncha !)(@#*&)(*!&@#$)*(&#!!!
Me: Sorry, I don't give my phone out to random people.
Addict: I ain't random, homie!
Me (with a glare and a lack of grammar): You random enough!

Hooray for humanity! Thankfully, I gave up on the majority of it years ago. :surrender:
