Dropped it hard

Jay S.

New Member
I'm just glad you are okay brother. Not too many walk away from a motorcycle accident. There is plenty of time to take care of the bike.

Take care!



New Member
John,, So sorry to read what happened to you,but thanks God that you are realitively "OK" and that you wear ATGATT! With out the gear you would probably be in worse shape. Take care of yourself,, the 6R can be replaced.


Lumen Junkie
Elite Member


World Most Bad A$$ 6R
Elite Member


Staff member
Sorry to hear about the off! I hope you heal up quickly and get the bike back in running order. I know that you've put some time in to the bike, so it would be a shame for it to be a loss.

God speed!


New Member

Hey man, So sorry to hear what happened! The renthal bars just got put on, deffinately not a good day for you to have it go down. I am glad for the most part your okay, and I wish you a speedy recovery! You will have to fill us in on the damage to the bike and whatnot! Again bud, we dont like seeing any one of our riders go down, but so glad your safe! Keep your hear up man you did everything possible to minimize the damages and saving yourself.


New Member
Sorry to hear this bro.. hope you get better soon.. i guess you did better than prolly other riders in that kind of situation.. take good care and heal fast.

+1 It sounds like all of your reactions were spot on and probably really limited the damage - to both you and the bike. Take care.



New Member
I researched today on how to get the video off that cam chip.....so tonight I'll try again. Bike is at the Dealer for evaluation and they will call with the results later tonight or tomorrow. Since I'm taking it easy, I can concentrate on the crash vid. It should be epic and show if I did it right or not. Either way, it will be a good learning experience to see how I operate on auto-pilot in an emergency situation, right or wrong.
If it's that bad, maybe I'll put it on youtube anonymously...LOL......;):rolleyes:


New Member
I researched today on how to get the video off that cam chip.....so tonight I'll try again. Bike is at the Dealer for evaluation and they will call with the results later tonight or tomorrow. Since I'm taking it easy, I can concentrate on the crash vid. It should be epic and show if I did it right or not. Either way, it will be a good learning experience to see how I operate on auto-pilot in an emergency situation, right or wrong.
If it's that bad, maybe I'll put it on youtube anonymously...LOL......;):rolleyes:

Although this is a tragic thing to have happen I am excited to see the footage as it seems you performed excellent in the accident! Im just glad you are doing well after such an incident!


New Member
Although this is a tragic thing to have happen I am excited to see the footage as it seems you performed excellent in the accident! Im just glad you are doing well after such an incident!

I got called Chuck Norris today at work. No pain pills and a DR excuse and I'm back at it. LOL....
And I'm a confirmed geek having been on the ARPANET before it was the internet and had a IBM PC the same week as released, 04/04/1981.....
Doing scans on the chips as we speak to see if I can recover anything.

Dude called from the dealership and said the bike didn't look too bad. He asked me what happened and said I did the right thing and did a good job of saving the bike as well as myself.

I really want to see the nasty details of the video.....macabre sense of humor I have. He He He He;)


Thanks guys for the support.
I didn't get to look at the bike as every time I tried to sit up everything was going black and I was pale as a ghost and the Nurse that stopped told me to lay down. The Paramedics took off all my clothes in the ambulance cept my underpants so the ER wouldn't cut it all up.....
Props to the first responders. Saving lives is their job... saving your gear is above and beyond the call.

Get good quick!


New Member
I researched today on how to get the video off that cam chip.....so tonight I'll try again. Bike is at the Dealer for evaluation and they will call with the results later tonight or tomorrow. Since I'm taking it easy, I can concentrate on the crash vid. It should be epic and show if I did it right or not. Either way, it will be a good learning experience to see how I operate on auto-pilot in an emergency situation, right or wrong.
If it's that bad, maybe I'll put it on youtube anonymously...LOL......;):rolleyes:

From my experience with motocross, downhill mountain biking, etc. there are 2 kinds of falls. The first happen in a kind of slow motion and you have time to think about your moves. The second is when you're all the sudden on the ground and go WTF!!! Yours is definitely one of the first, and my money says you'll find that you did everything right :)


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Sentient Being
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New Member
Spunky, Glad to read you are OK. I cringe every time I read about a drop cause I think that it could be me. Experience played a big role. I was imagining the accident as you described. Should be an interesting video. How long for you ribs to fully heal?


New Member
Spunky, Glad to read you are OK. I cringe every time I read about a drop cause I think that it could be me. Experience played a big role. I was imagining the accident as you described. Should be an interesting video. How long for you ribs to fully heal?

It's a 6 to 8 week process for the ribs to heal on their own. I'll have to go to the Doctor and get more pain killers as they only gave me a 20 pill vial and it's hard to breathe. If I continue the shallow breathing I'll probably get pneumonia so I'm on it. My collar bone feels broken too so I need to get that looked at. Will call the Dr today.
So far the video has escaped me. I'm running a different scanning software tonight but it looks like there was no recording done in 04/16/11. Not giving up yet!
The crash cam still doesn't respond at all and I haven't been able to identify any problem so maybe it's a loss. I do have the other working cam.


New Member
Holy crap! John, I am glad that you are ok. Good job on doing the best you can in that situation. Hope you heal quickly and get back on the saddle once more.


New Member
I cannot find any video files or any files for that matter with a 04/16/2011 date on the chips. The 1080P is still broken but the second cam is fine. I have tried a bunch of ways to recover the other files but they seem non-usable although .mov. I used super C to try and change the container to see if that would work but no luck yet.
I finally am starting to see the color from the bruising on my shoulder.

