Dropped it hard


New Member
I spend about 4 hours replacing the bars with the new Renthal ones and cleaned the bike and checked tire pressure etc and went for a test ride.

Was pleased with everything driving down the 405S and decided to go to the Chinese market. I transitioned from the 405S to the 110N and then right onto the 91W. Well I was entering a short downhill transition road to the 91W and into a turn and my rear brake locked up with almost no pressure and I realized the whole road was greased. I let off got the bike straight and tried it again with the same results. I was so far off line by this time the turn was impossible to make at my speed so I barely braked to try and slow it as much as possible before I hit the guardrail about 150 feet up off the ground. As I got close I decided to pinch off the front brake and drop the bike and it all worked as planned with the bike stopping about 4 feet from the guard rail. I was unfortunately catapulted over the bike and into the guard rail. So I got to spend the night in the hospital, have no idea what my bike looks like and have "multiple rib fractures" where I hit the rail.
It was a record setting heat day so all the oil and grease was up on the surface and swimming and I finally dumped the bike at about 40 mph. I was hoping to slide with it but was launched.
I'm lucky I hit the guard rail as a 150 foot drop would have killed me.
I was wearing ATGATT so road rash is minimum.....

Now what really pisses me off is that I had a Contour running and I haven't been able to get anything to recognize the mem chip and it looks like the other Contour cam somehow is now failing because I tried the chip in there???
ack! sorry to hear about your accident John... i think those transitions are a series of elevated loops, right? it's a good thing you didn't fall over the guard rail, or things mightve been a lot worse... i don't think they can do much for rib fractures except to tell you to wrap it up, give you pain killers, and tell you to not move around too much so they can heal. hopefully, nothing else was broken or hurt? it sounds like you probably saved your bike too with your quick thinking. were u able to get it towed home and how bad is the damage? get well soon man! :)

p.s. so many ppl are getting hurt lately... :( please everyone slow down and ride carefully & defensively.
Sorry to hear you wrecked. Sounds like you did everything you could to minimize the damage to your self and your bike. Hope you have a speedy recovery.

Did your front brake lock up at any point?

John, I'm so sorry to hear about the accident, but I'm happy to see you're doing well enough to post it.

Thanks for the heads-up. I ride down there often so I'll be more careful from now on.

Take care & get well,
Tough old guy... goes thru the whole story of his near death experience... and he really just want's help getting the video from it... :cool:

Sorry to hear... Get better, take care of yourself first, worry about the bike and camera later...

This weekend I slipped and fell down a short (6-8 stair) stairway. Lucky for me the stairs were carpeted, somewhat soft. Only damage done was bumps and bruises to both of my legs. The bag of mexican food I was carrying came out of it okay, too. Anyway, my girlfriend watched it happen before her eyes, and as soon as a realized I was okay my first thought was "Damn, I wish you had been filming that."

Look what YouTube has done to us!! :D
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Thanks guys for the support.
I'll try to answer the questions.
Bike laid on the pipe side so the Viper can is probably toast.
I force locked up the front end at the end to force drop the bike in the gravel.
The front end didn't lock up until I forced it but the rear wheen locked with almost no pressure and put me pretty far sideways and it takes time to get the bike back straight and the wobble gone to try again. After the second try I knew I was going down and I got to choose exactly how and where. I didn't realize how fast and hard it was going to drop and that's why I was catapulted off the bike.
It was a record heat temp day and that combined with the oil and grease from all the trucks coming up from the LA Harbor was a perfect storm.
Helmet is scratched and an air vent missing. Cam mount id there but the cam part is gone and the shield is toast. Pants are all ripped and jacket is all scuffed and filthy. Boots and gloves are fine.

The Dr said there is nothing to wear or do about the ribs..No pae or anything. what doesn't kill you will make you stronger and the ribs will heal stronger than before.

I almost pulled off at Vermont and took the last mile by street...but then second guessing...too late for that.

I didn't get to look at the bike as every time I tried to sit up everything was going black and I was pale as a ghost and the Nurse that stopped told me to lay down. The Paramedics took off all my clothes in the ambulance cept my underpants so the ER wouldn't cut it all up.....

Glad to be alive..I'll let you all know what's the bike like. I have $100.00 deductable with AAA but I don't know what they will say about the Viper...I think that got smashed.
Really sorry to hear about this. It always spooks me when I hear/read about experienced riders wrecking. We all like to think it can't happen to us, but...

Very glad to hear you are not seriously injured. I wish you a speedy recovery and hope your bike isn't too badly damaged.

(I hope you can salvage your video, as well. May as well get something you want out of a sh*&ty situation.)
Crap man! Sorry to hear, hope you heal up good and quick. Glad you were not hurt any worse. :(
Thanks guys for the support.
I'll try to answer the questions.
Bike laid on the pipe side so the Viper can is probably toast.
I force locked up the front end at the end to force drop the bike in the gravel.
The front end didn't lock up until I forced it but the rear wheen locked with almost no pressure and put me pretty far sideways and it takes time to get the bike back straight and the wobble gone to try again. After the second try I knew I was going down and I got to choose exactly how and where. I didn't realize how fast and hard it was going to drop and that's why I was catapulted off the bike.
It was a record heat temp day and that combined with the oil and grease from all the trucks coming up from the LA Harbor was a perfect storm.
Helmet is scratched and an air vent missing. Cam mount id there but the cam part is gone and the shield is toast. Pants are all ripped and jacket is all scuffed and filthy. Boots and gloves are fine.

The Dr said there is nothing to wear or do about the ribs..No pae or anything. what doesn't kill you will make you stronger and the ribs will heal stronger than before.

I almost pulled off at Vermont and took the last mile by street...but then second guessing...too late for that.

I didn't get to look at the bike as every time I tried to sit up everything was going black and I was pale as a ghost and the Nurse that stopped told me to lay down. The Paramedics took off all my clothes in the ambulance cept my underpants so the ER wouldn't cut it all up.....

Glad to be alive..I'll let you all know what's the bike like. I have $100.00 deductable with AAA but I don't know what they will say about the Viper...I think that got smashed.

Man, that is bad times. But it sounds like you'll be good as new before too long... Once those ribs mend and you get your claim check.

I was wondering if you might have had a chance to slow down enough with maximum front braking to keep it upright, but with a gravel shoulder and a guard rail staring you down that's a tough call. Rock and a hard place...

Get well soon.
Glad to hear the ribs are alright and that you should recover fully.

That really scares me that you hit grease on the road. That could happen to anyone, and they'd go down, regardless of skill level and probably even traction control and ABS. I'm glad that guard rail saved you.
Glad to hear that you are in one piece and not injured to bad. The bike can be fixed or replaced, you can't. Scary stuff with the road turning so slick..
My wife saw a bike wreck today! There is a traffic circle near where I live and I have noticed while driving my car that on the circle, there is dirt on the outside! I knew eventually there would be a bike wreck there, but I kept it in the back of my head and will avoid that circle at all costs. Anyways, apparently that other biker was not aware of that dirt. He was alright from what she told me, but can't say that for his bike. Moral of the story, know your routes when you go riding.
Sorry to here you had to dump it. Glad your ok, my dad just had to dump his burgman 650. I was suprised you had been tossed. My dad laid his down text book, slowed best he could, then locked up the back wheel and swung it around, laid it down and kicked off. He did roll and not slide so good, at his age he tends to be a little rounder lmao! Bike is toast, he has a sprained ankle and broke his wrist because he had a curb to overcome.
Holy sh!t bro....Glad you're okay. :eek:

I know that transition very well. If I understand correctly it was the 405 South to the 110 North transition. Theres actually two ways to transition, one being a "Truck" route that will put you in the slow lane and the other (normal vehicles) will put you in the fast lane. I always try to use the "Truck" route if I wanna take the 91 West.

Yes that transition road is high up there! Not as bad as the 105 East to 110 North (In the movie "Speed" its the freeway the bus jumps the gap. But its HIGH!

John I have tomorrow off, so if you need anything let me know. Where's your bike at? I'll go take pics if you want. Let me know. I know it's your baby and all :D

AAA will go get the bike tomorrow and tow it to a Dealer and do an evaluation. I'm gonna just heal up and not stress.
It's only a bike and it can be replaced. John Kerr is right.

Thanks for the offer tho, much appreciated.

When it happened I went through my options and as they failed I went on to the next and after I ran out I took the final option with zero regard for the bike. I have my truck so I have transportation. All is good.

Holy sh!t bro....Glad you're okay. :eek:

I know that transition very well. If I understand correctly it was the 405 South to the 110 North transition. Theres actually two ways to transition, one being a "Truck" route that will put you in the slow lane and the other (normal vehicles) will put you in the fast lane. I always try to use the "Truck" route if I wanna take the 91 West.

Yes that transition road is high up there! Not as bad as the 105 East to 110 North (In the movie "Speed" its the freeway the bus jumps the gap. But its HIGH!

John I have tomorrow off, so if you need anything let me know. Where's your bike at? I'll go take pics if you want. Let me know. I know it's your baby and all :D
