North Florida FZ6R Lunch and Social


New Member
Come one, come all to the first North Florida FZ6R Lunch and Social. ask? Saturday October 23rd - High Noon - That's 12:00 P.M. for those that live near Micky World ask? The Creggur Cantina and Grill - Jacksonville, Florida. ask? Well, why the heck not?

Come enjoy the food, drinks and fun as we gather from all across the area via the flastest, straightest, most boring roads in the lower 48 to talk about riding our exceptional machines on the flattest, straightest, most boring roads in the lower 48...

Of course it wouldn't be an event without a special guest appearence - and we've secured the creme-de-la-creme for this year's social...

You know him, You may have been banned by him.....All the way from the Great White North on his current tour of the Southeast...

The one. The only...Super Moderator....da da da da .... Diluted.

That's right, folks - come be regailed by stories of roads that AREN'T flat and straight. This is an opportunity to talk to an FZ6R owner that actually gets to lean the bike over through curves. Crazy, I know. But only the best at the Creggur Cantina and Grill... **Please, no autograph requests while he's here (you know how fussy celebrities can be)***

Secure your reservations now by PM to me for contact information and directions... Spots are going fast - don't miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity...

**Legal Disclaimer... All food and drink will be provided. If you over do it, however, you'll be invited (forced) to crash in our deluxe accomodations... There will be one bed, one couch, and one air mattress available - and our smelly 12 year-old Bassett hound just loves having someone to cuddle with on the floor - it's best to 'social' responsibly...
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I might show up...trying to met local riders to go out and cruise with...NEW to the area
And that's one of the reasons we're doing it...
Nice! My wife work on that weekend, otherwise we would be present for sure. I will try to convince her to call sick...

Wife can't make it? Her loss - come on up;)

That's right neighborly of you my friend. I'll take you up on your offer. I will be looking forward to meeting everyone.

That's right neighborly of you my friend. I'll take you up on your offer. I will be looking forward to meeting everyone.

Looking forward to it:D
Well.. IF my back could take the 13 hour non-stop ride, yes fill in extra time for stopping, and IF I could escape the grasp of the fiance, I would most assurely (<~~redneck word) be present!! I hope you all have a pleasant visit and safe journeys.

Throw the fiance on the pillion perch and head this way... She could act as a backrest for ya.:D
Don't think we'll be able to this trip. I'll add it to the list for next time! Would like to be able to bring the bike. Maybe I'll have a trailer by the next time so I wouldn't have to ride the whole way...

A perfectly good motorcycle on a trailer? Heresy!

"So I wouldn't have to ride the whole way" :ban:

Current Confirmed Guest List:

Diluted + Fiance


Wusses whose Significant Other won't let them come::surrender:
