Puig Racing Windshield


New Member
So I ordered a Puig Racing windshield from Indysuperbikes and received it earlier this week. I opened the box and everything looked good. So I take off the stock one and try to fit the new one. The holes don't line up and even if they did the windshield would interfere with the handlebars. I looked at the packaging and it is marked for the XJ. Indysuperbikes says they are supposed to fit both the XJ Diversion and the 6R but they have had a bunch of people returning them because they don't fit.

Anyone else have this problem?


New Member
Search the site - there is a thread about the XJ6 screen not fitting the FZ6R's. I've just ordered the Yamaha double bubble myself.


New Member
Same problem


Senior Member
Elite Member


New Member
I think I'm going for the Yamaha Double Bubble tomorrow. I'm disappointed that the Puig didn't fit.


New Member
Yea I am thinking about doing the same, I would have thought they would have done their homework a little better.


New Member
Same here...

Same for me, only I ordered the Puig LAST AUGUST and when I finally got it two weeks ago, from KneeDraggers, it didn't fit. Sadly, I had not noticed or searched the forum in all that time or I would have seen that others were having problems with theirs fitting as well. I called KneeDraggers several times while waiting to make sure it would fit and got reassurance that it would. So for five f'ing months I waited for nothing. Nothing against KneeDraggers, though...they sent me a pre-paid return label.


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New Member
I checked three places and no one had them in stock. I will order one when I get refunded from the Puig screen. Sorry gotta wait for a week or so yet.


New Member
I checked three places and no one had them in stock. I will order one when I get refunded from the Puig screen. Sorry gotta wait for a week or so yet.

go to your yamha dealer...i got mine for 79.99 (military discount woop):cool:
