You call that a squid? That's not a squid...


Lord Humongous
Elite Member
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Some people have no clue what they are putting themselves, and others around them, into. Another idiot to give all riders a bad name.

ps: there wasn't a star on the side was there. :rolleyes: first.....:D
Welcome to the rest of VA... Born and raised in Richmond, but went to George Mason. The difference in intelligence can be big.
did u check ur local news? maybe they reported on the police chase.

nowadays, when idiots do that the highway patrol just tracks them by helicopter. it's too risky to do it on land. it happened in LA once, where some idiots drove their car in the carpool lane the wrong direction and hit a family head on. u can imagine the results.

after that, the LAPD decided that had they not pursued those a-holes so aggressively, then they might not have done what they did. so, now when criminals drive too erratically they just track them by air.

That's what will happen when you live in an area that's a epicenter for ignorant people...

I work in Norfolk... which obviously is a little ways away.. But I spend all day dealing with Military dudes who are full of it... and *other* idiots in general..

Obviously no offense to those who are in the service... but just like anywhere some people give you guys a bad name ha


*edit- I think that read wrong ha... :(*
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That is ridiculously insane. I wonder if he survived it.

That's what will happen when you live in an area that's a epicenter for ignorant people...

I work in Norfolk... which obviously is a little ways away.. But I spend all day dealing with Military dudes who are full of it... and idiots in general..

Obviously no offense to those who are in the service... but just like anywhere some people give you guys a bad name ha


Huh, that's interesting because, while there are certainly some f***knuckles in the military, the overwhelming majority (and higher number percentage-wise) in that area are locals/civilians. When it comes to driving, Hampton Roads is by far the biggest cluster of stupid, aggressive, selfish, un-couteous drivers I have EVER seen. The problem is that any time a military member does something stupid it's headline news where it'd be a back page story if it was someone else because that's what "people" (read non-military) do there. That's just my observations from living there for over 6 years.

I will admit, it does bother me a bit that you just randomly throw the military under the bus like that and I'm certainly going to call someone out when they group military dudes with "ignorant idiots" that are "full of it". I know service members do some dumb things, we're all human. I think it's just an unfair characterization given the context of the conversation.

No offense though. :D
haha well in response to that I can say my reasoning is alot of the people are military relatives who are from a million different cities who get thrown all together..

I can say a majority of the people I stop are in some way military related..
not necessarily those in the service themselves, ya know?

not saying its that the military are bad drivers, its just the hodge podge of throwing everyone together who drive in all different ways because of what theyre used to :)

buttttttt that being said its not ALL them ha, obviously, no one around here can drive lol..... except me of course ;D

That's what will happen when you live in an area that's a epicenter for ignorant people...

I work in Norfolk... which obviously is a little ways away.. But I spend all day dealing with Military dudes who are full of it... and idiots in general..

Obviously no offense to those who are in the service... but just like anywhere some people give you guys a bad name ha


Man it's hard to hold back.. no offense or not. Dumb as a rock or not, people over seas keep us living the great life we get to live. Don't forget that.
hey man, I respect and appreciate everything that they do..

Seems I put my foot in my mouth lol
but oh well, every profession has people that make them look like idiots, especially mine :) so no worries

I have a ton of friends who are military or prior military, and I definitely appreciate the sacrifices made. So I apologize if anyone took that the wrong way!

Moreso meant what I restated in the second post.
The mixture of different driving styles makes the area horrible, and the reason for the mixture is because its a huge military area.
I see just as many silver spoon in mouth 18 and 19 year olds who have never had to work for a thing driving BMW's and other high end cars acting like the own the highways up there , and they are not military ..:rant::rant::rant::rant::rant:

I lived in Chesapeake for a while and now am back to living in eastern NC . the few times i rode my bike up in VA if you were not going 80 + and making progress through traffic you would get run the **ck over , I hate virginia traffic , virginia is a melting pot of people and everyone is only worried about themselves and nobody else. ...
Very true...

Tragedy of the Commons....

But, you get used to it haha, it's an area of aggressive driving for sure. If you're going the speed limit you just piss a lot of people off ha

That is ridiculous. Riding that stupid is just crazy! I will admit though, i've turned around and rode the shoulder back to an exit I passed up once (only becuase there were no other exits to take though, 20 miles to the next one and I needed gas), but WV shoulders are pretty damn wide lol
