You call that a squid? That's not a squid...

I completely agree that there's a hodge-podge of people from all over thrown together with different driving styles and the military is a big part of that. That said, I don't think that has much (if anything) to do with how awful the driving is there. The mentality is the same from there all the way up the east coast to at least Boston, people are self-centered butt-wipes. Go to another geographical location with a lot of military. Not as many problems in general from my experience.

The original topic of this post, while shocking, did not surprise me one bit. People do stupid stuff a lot up there. It seems as if they forgot, or never learned, the basics of driving: drive in a manner that is safe for the conditions, and drive defensively. Oh, BTW, those flashy lights on your car are called turn signals, and are used to let other people know what your intentions are. I would say about 0.002% of east coast drivers EVER use them. Haha.

Check the "idiot" Obituaries in your local newspaper for this guy, what a moron!!
