Relay / Power Distro / Heated grips installed and working well. Picked up a Balaclava to keep my neck warm. Sweater + Jacket keeps me my torso reasonably warm.

I ordered the moto specific PM14252 mount for my hand guards, the tri-mount just wasn't working out. If that doesn't work I'll just give up and go for the "tube" kind of hand guards.

Next question:

I'd like to buy a leather set of gloves, actually a little thicker on the top than the bottom. I'd like it thick enough on top to prevent my fingers from going numb in the wind (assuming hand guards don't work out) but thin enough on the bottom I can still feel the controls, they're comfortable, and let the heat from the grips come through. Any suggestions? The leather gloves I got now are so thick I can't even tell if I'm pressing the turn signal or not.
Just realised that you lot are talking about the hard plastic hand guards.

Over here bar muffs are the thing we use.

Thermally insulated, let you operate your controls, keep your hands waterproof and stop the wind cutting though your gloves.

They also work really well with heated grips, turning them into an electric blanket. Might want to check them out if they're available over there.

Plastic handguards you'll only ever find on adventure type bikes over here.

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GOD BLESS TEXAS, we can basically ride year ride. It can get quite cold, just not unbearable enough to force a riding stoppage!!
34 degrees (Fahrenheit) this morning - which is pretty damn cold for the southeast. Still taking the bike to work though. Balaclava, thicker gloves, heated grips, and an extra layer under my mesh jacket I was fine, although my legs / feet got a little cold (regular jeans). I may go buy some hunting leggings or something until my textile overpants come in from MCSS.
This is my first Fall/Winter season riding a motorcycle so it should be interesting. I'm planning on riding till it gets below 50 or so. In the meantime for the fall I plan on using my leather jacket, upper body thermal shirt, thermal underpants and I just got this in the mail today

REV'IT! Velox WSP Windcollar - RevZilla

I'll try testing it out tonight and see how it works. Looks and feels good though and it makes you look like a ninja :)
Over here in Scotland it gets to 0 degrees and below (thats 32 Fahrenheit and below ;)). I ride all winter because i'm stupid like that and dont have a car licence. The only days i dont ride is when i cant get my bike out the drive and onto a main road without killing myself.

I've found i use a combination of bike things and just good old personal gear to get me through it. So Here goes:

Keis Heated bodywarmer and inner gloves. (connect to the bike)
Weise Waterproof Over Gloves
Oxford Neck thingy
Decent set of winter gloves
Heated grips
Thermals, any old will do.
waterproof bottoms,
any old motorbike jacket and trousers.
But my main secret is you know the road maintenance jackets? i have one of these:

Dickies Hi Vis Motorway Safety Jacket EN471 & EN343 Class 3 SA22045 workwear

Wind chill factor? What wind chill, these things also keep 100% of the water out. You know Scotland is famous for its rain and i've never had a leak and i haven't had to treat it with waterproofing (6 months and still going strong). Its cuffs extend past the lining, allowing you to tuck your gloves into it to stop water running into your gloves.
I'm having a tough time deciding if I want to go with electric gear, or just go with warmer clothes.

I live in Northern NJ. It gets down into the 20's sometimes during the harshest parts of the winter.. With temperatures below 50, can clothes easily warm you up, or do you really need that extra help from heated gear? I'm not too excited with loading up my bike with more wires, relays..
With low temps in general you want to stop the wind, even at moderate low temps (5 celcius) you're looking at something like -25c wind chill at motorway speeds.

You can sit on an electric heater at that temp but if you're not wearing wind stop clothing, you'll still freeze.

I'd say warm clothing + heated gillet. Keeps your core warm which keeps warm blood pumping to your extremities.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
I would recommend connecting to the battery on the bike. It takes two seconds and the keis stuff is really good cause it comes with all the connectors. I live in Scotland and i road through all of christmas really. It was -5 some mornings going to work, trust me, the stuff works as long as you have a good windproof layer
What kind of gear do you wear?

I have a Shift Streetfighter jacket and it's completely waterproof, as well as keeps the wind off you very well. I would imagine I just would need to buy a heated vest for my core like this:

Keis X5 Heated Bodywarmer | Heated Motorcycle Vest Clothing


Tour Master Synergy 2.0 Vest Liner

I would like to add heated grips too, but I feel like I'd be adding more wires up and down the bike, especially since the grips would stay on the bike (unless they can be removed easily and I'm not aware of it).

I haven't experienced real cold weather yet. I only know that the Olympia gloves I have are great, but in 50 degree weather the air goes right through them and freezes my hands. I'm trying to determine if I needed cold suited gloves, or actual heated gloves.
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Since it's getting colder noes the time to's everyone doing this winter?
I just got my Gerbings heated jacket liner and I'm happy I purchased it. I haven't used it yet, but I tried it out in the store. Very impressed.

I also got the Gerbings G3 gloves (Christmas gift).

I haven't tried these in real weather, but I'm happy I finally got these kind of gear.

I'm thinking about pants, but will take the advice of everyone here and try to ride without them first.

I just installed these on both mine and my wife's FZ1's bars. Love 'em! [ame=""] Symtec Motorcycle Handle Warmer Kit with Round Rocker Switch 210019RR: Automotive[/ame]

I just drilled a hole in the inner fairing for the switch right near the clutch hand then I tapped into the RUNNING HOT wire for the front signals. No relays. Some have wired them directly to the battery but I didn't want to chance forgetting to turn them off so I opted for a "keyed" wire that already existed. The kit says to use the headlight low beam HOT but some have reported a dim headlight when the grips are in use.

One issue you have to be concerned with for the FZ6R is the charging capacity and amount of watts available to you. If you recall, my wife had an FZ6R? When we tried heated stuff and her GPS, the bike didn't have enough battery/charging to run it all. The system was a constant drain on the battery unless she was over 4k RPMs. :( This is one of the reasons she moved to the FZ1 because it has a LOT of extra charging capacity. We have no issues running heated stuff, GPS and phone. :thumbup:
