When to replace tires


New Member
Hello everyone,

I'm looking for some advice as to when a tire need to be replaced. From what I gather you find the triangle on the side and if the groove that it is pointing to goes flat at a certain point the tire needs to be replaced.

Also is it normal for a back tire to be worn out long before a front one? I believe my back tire is ready to be replaced but my front tire looks good.

I have about 10,000k(6200 miles) on the tires. Here is a pic of the back one.


Any advice would be appreciated.
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Thanks for asking, you are running flat in the center I would certainly replace that asap.
... I did notice too. I tough it was just in Florida that chicken strip were that big! :justkidding:

If ya find any twist roads within 100km radius of Ottawa, Canada let me know :bow::D

Plus i've only been riding for 6 months :surrender:
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Calabogie has some nice windy roads.
I know it's a little further but Tremblant has some amazing twisties that you would enjoy.
I don't know if you are a member yet but join the ottawa motorcycle forum.
Lot's of organized group rides throughout the week and weekends to the above destinations.
Hello everyone,

Also is it normal for a back tire to be worn out long before a front one? I believe my back tire is ready to be replaced but my front tire looks good.

Any advice would be appreciated.

On every bike I have owned I wear the rear tire faster.
Your tire definitely needs replacing. It may be fine for completely dry roads, but any water is dangerous. Sipes (the grooves in your tires) are there to channel water away from the contact patch. Without sipes, you will hydroplane and lose traction, leading to lowsides.

Don't wait to replace your tire. Why wait? You may "squeeze" another thousand kilometres out of it, but it's certainly not worth saving a few dollars in tires over the life of the bike vs. crashing.

Thanks for all the tips everyone. I'm going to get it replaced ASAP. :thumbup:
