What Not To Wear (while riding)

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Geez. Lotsa bad riders out there, both in form & in protective gear! :(
Dang... the guy who fell trying to cut off Jon... That's just unreal. So unnecessary...
Loving the pics, Jon! Keep 'em coming!
Jon's not taking the pics. There is a photog out there taking pics and Jon just snags them from the website where they are posted.
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Jonkerr - wish i would have known you were in San Diego! I have been here for 3 weeks, and this past weekend went up to Palomor Mountain and did some shooting of my own ;). I also did a photoshot for a guy on the R6 forums...

I got several people to buy some of my prints / HighRes digitals :) (im cheap, haha). I also saw Rick Clemson up there and talked for a few, i think he didn't like i was their though ;), haha.

Here is some of my stuff... ill post more in a later thread. Im currently going through 650pics of 40 different riders, many of which you have posted, haah


2. this is the 1904 photographer on his bike (forgot name:()


this was my FIRST time ever shooting motorcycles, so im told i did well:thumbup:. ill make a thread once i go through my 'good' ones:p
That's actually Jerico. He was doing some video shooting for Stretch (Phil from 1904)

Ahhh, i see. He was PM'ing me on the R6forum about a 'Phil' and 'Jerico'. I got confused who was who:surrender:. I had 650 pics though and i only blurred and missed ~50, so i can officially say im happy with my keeper ratio:D.

Ill post more, since you guys seem to like them. When im done, ill just make a new thread! Maybe link my flickr portfolio or something. Also before you say it, no im not posting 600, im trying to pick the best 50 or so unless a rider wanted pic's of themselves...

Ill be gone next weekend, i was only out her for TDY. Its a shame i didn't ask if anyone here was from SD, cause i would have love to do a shoot with a fellow member! Maybe next time i come out;)?
