what age is every one ?

Was thinking about more of a sport bike, but I wrecked my shoulder playing hockey a few years back, so the forward lean is a no go...
Oh man I was wondering when someone was going to post this? I will be 42 on Aug 21st. I am contemplating buying an FZ6R but was wondering if this bike is for the younger gens or is it for everyone. Okay who else spill your age:)
I will be 42 in Sept. The FZ6R is my third bike and also the best one I have owned. I'm having a great time on this bike and taught my son to ride. Now we spend a lot of time together going on rides. Might as well "live while I'm here"
26 in November - 1st bike & I couldn't be happier with the choice.
33, this my 7th bike. I'm more of adrenaline person. Sports bikes and MX was my thing, but to many falls (MX) and back problems keeping me away and FZ6R is the perfect balance for me.
you guys ready for this. 16 first bike. don't know any better so i will say best bike i have ever had. :)
creep'n up to 36 this September
36 and it's my first bike too. i don't know how many of my friends asked me about mid-life crisis when they saw me on the bike!
Wow! We really have a spread here. Nice to know that this bike transcends the generation gap.

Usual response to this question: Old enough to know I don't have to answer that, but young enough not to be embarrassed by the answer.

Just for you guys: 33 for little while longer. This is my 3rd-ish bike. The second that I owned more than 2 weeks. lol

I took the class and got my license when I was 30 and I've never regretted the decision. I LOVE riding. And not just for the usual commute reasons. I just love the feeling of floating down the road. The quickness and nimbleness of this bike just enhances it.
26. First bike......but probably gonna trade it very soon because I always want something different. Horrible habit!
19....this is my 2nd bike. I had a '07 250 ninja last summer that was "slightly" abused by the previous owner.

53 and this is my first bike. Three of my friends here have bikes and I have been thinking about getting one for a year now. This bike is great but being my first I wouldn't know different but definitely knew I did not want a cruiser to learn on. Even my friend with a V-Star loves the ergonomics of the FZ6R, he says it just fits great!
