

New Member
well i finally got my joe rocket helmet in( i was riding with my mx helmet) now that i have a visor just wondering, what do you guys pack to clean your visor with. I have alot of bugs on it already from the 10km i put on it trying out the helmet.i really dont want to scratch my visor up.


New Member
microfiber towels from costco and warm water.


New Member
I've been using those cloths Dell gives you with their flat panels. It's the same material as the cloth that the optometry place gave me for cleaning my glasses with...


New Member
ive always used plexus and a good microfiber towel. doesn't scratch at all.
they have large cans and smaller ones to take with you.
it even works great to do a quick wipedown on the windscreen, headlight, and all the plastic we got.



New Member
any soft, NON ABRASIVE cloth. Micro fiber works well, 5 bucks at any autozone. And water only. Windex is too harsh, even for your windscreen.


New Member
Just read in Motor Cyclist that using Windex and other cleaners damages the visor and over time may cause it to shatter in a crash. They say warm water and micro fiber cloth best thing to use.

Means i have to stop using baby wipes and Windex now.


New Member
i agree that warm soapy water is probably the best for it, just hard to come by on the road, i was looking for something that i can pack on my bike or on me.At least my jacket has a pocket to pack a spare shield/visor.


New Member
well i finally got my joe rocket helmet in( i was riding with my mx helmet) now that i have a visor just wondering, what do you guys pack to clean your visor with. I have alot of bugs on it already from the 10km i put on it trying out the helmet.i really dont want to scratch my visor up.

I carry a little spray bottle with H20 that I use to also clean my glasses with (works great) + a couple soft rags in my duffel bag. Come to think of it I got a ton of stuff in that duffel bag.


New Member
Bottled water and a microfiber cloth or a diaper cloth. (I almost always have a bottle of water w/me when I ride)

I read somewhere that using cleaning solutions on the visors can cause damage.
