Used search and still cant find-Sprocket info


New Member
Looking for a link to an exact +1 sprocket and chain. I want a gold many links will it need to be...118?

I searched quite a bit and couldnt find a link directly to the sprocket for sale.
I commute 87 miles twice a day. it only affects by 500 rpm and makes the speedo accurate. so a 520 chain?
how many links in the chain do I order for the +1
I used the stock chain for my +1 and I just moved the rear axle forward. As long as you're not already towards the front of the adjustment window you should be fine ordering the same length chain as stock (not sure how many links that is....would have to go out and count)
I dont have a clue how my adjustment window is, I pay a shop to do my work lol
Yeah I have the Driven front 17 tooth sprocket and it works well with the stock chain. Like was said previously, all you need to do is make sure it is adjusted to the correct tension and you're good. No need for a longer chain at all. The increase of 1 tooth up front does not increase the sprocket diameter (and therefore circumference) an appreciable amount, so the center to center distance only needs to move a quarter inch or so to keep the same chain length. Easily accomplished with the axle adjustments in the swingarm. :) Good luck!
thank you for explaining why :)
thanks! Now I just need to find the matching gold driven chain. not the one with the plastic caps the real gold matching one ;)

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