Time spent with the President of Yamaha


New Member
Yesterday, I was contacted by Dale Diaz, a district representative for Yamaha Motor Corporation. He told me that the new president of Yamaha, (worldwide), not the US Yamaha president, wanted to meet with me, yes, me!

He is doing a photo shoot and presenting me with an award. He also would like to speak to me for about 15 minutes, getting my opinions on Yamaha products, product lines, and needs.

I am still in shock, and very honored. If you have a short, well typed request, I would be happy to relay any ideas that you may offer.

I will be happy to get some pics posted, and explain the award, right after the presentation.

Now start posting your ideas!!!!


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Thats it?! Whats the back story mister?? :)

Sounds awesome! I gotta think of a good question!
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husker what is your job relation to get this chance? - way cool!


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Congrats husker! Hope you speak Japanese. ;)


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1) Could you ask him if they could use weaker glue on the warning stickers? Those were really a pain to remove! :justkidding: .....but seriously they were a pain...

2) What's his favorite Yamaha motorcycle AND what's his favorite non-Yamaha motorcycle? And why?

3) Could they pressure GE Money bank to set up an online payment service? It was really irritating to be forced to mail a check or setup auto deduction and then have no ability to pay extra! This being my first motorcycle purchase, that's been my only bad experience and because of it I will never finance a motorcycle through that company again; I will finance through my bank OR pay in full. They are not set up to be consumer friendly.

4) I'd say ask him if there is anything that we, as Yamaha's consumers, could provide (aside from buying more product) that they could use that would help them in their endeavors of providing a better product/experience for us? I filled out the survey about the dealership experience but that seemed to be the only feedback they were looking for.

5) EDIT: if it's not just a myth, remove the 8% false speedometer reading....I think we deserve to not be lied to by our own speedometer.
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New Member
With rising price of petrol [gas] when will Yamaha start to follow BMWs lead and attempt to improve fuel economy? Small, efficient cars can now get 60mpg (imperials gallons), BMWs F800 (with knock sensor-controlled feedback) can get 70mpg, will Yamaha be looking to better these figures? As a buyer the XJ6S is excellent, but the economy is worse than a small ford hatch-back.

Also thank him for some excellent well screwed together motorcycles with a good price-point.:D
yamaha needs a 750 super sport. 600 too 1000 cc is far to big if a jump. i want more than a 600 but not as big and bulky as a 1000, so my one and only choice pretty much is the gixxer 750. if yammy made one, id buy it


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Ask him if Yamaha engineers have any plans to install the oil filter in a location that doesn't get oil all over the rest of the undercarriage during removal


New Member
1) Could you ask him if they could use weaker glue on the warning stickers? Those were really a pain to remove! :justkidding: .....but seriously they were a pain...

2) What's his favorite Yamaha motorcycle AND what's his favorite non-Yamaha motorcycle? And why?

3) Could they pressure GE Money bank to set up an online payment service? It was really irritating to be forced to mail a check or setup auto deduction and then have no ability to pay extra! This being my first motorcycle purchase, that's been my only bad experience and because of it I will never finance a motorcycle through that company again; I will finance through my bank OR pay in full. They are not set up to be consumer friendly.

4) I'd say ask him if there is anything that we, as Yamaha's consumers, could provide (aside from buying more product) that they could use that would help them in their endeavors of providing a better product/experience for us? I filled out the survey about the dealership experience but that seemed to be the only feedback they were looking for.

5) EDIT: if it's not just a myth, remove the 8% false speedometer reading....I think we deserve to not be lied to by our own speedometer.

I think this is the same issue with just about every bike. has anyone clocked their FZ6R with a GPS and if so was it close or...? thanks


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+1 tooth on the front sprocket makes the speedo accurate to within less than 1% from a GPS
