This is messed up...


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I thought this was specific to MD...


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I think if you see enough video of cops being shot from situations like this, pulling his gun isnt out of the question. This guy, besides giving all riders a bad name, was running from the cops. Marked cops. He knew the situation. At that point, you can expect that if another car, unmarked or not, is not just some random killer looking to shoot you. He knew what was going down, he way trying to get away in the 1st place. If I was in his shoes, I would have know the guy was law enforcement. Of course, I wouldnt have been in his shoes because you wouldnt catch me running from cops to begin with.

When someone runs, odd are its because they have a warrant out for some outstanding crime and are willing to risk life to get away. This class of person is high risk, because odd of them having a weapon and using it to continue to attempt escape from capture is high. Had he just pulled over at the start, I'm guessing he would have been issues a ticket for being moron and that would have been it.

Recording/not-recording? That's a whole bag of worms in each state (I work for a company that works in the area of law) and you just need to know the rules. But then, I don't even know our own state rules on this one! Best thing is, be open and honest with the police and you wont have an issues, unless you just finished riding a wheelie in front of him while you gave him the finger. Chances are, being nice and honest won't help you at that point!
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New Member
Why are agents of government, armed and authorized to enforce the rule of law, protected by this secret recording law? I cannot see that there is benefit in doing so. I cannot see where government is entitled to protection from its citizens.


New Member
This whole situation has me angry. First off, I am unhappy by the manner in which he was pulled over. A plain clothes cop in his personal vehicle. :rant: Not cool. That could have just as easily been some psychopath wanting some vigilante justice against the biker. Never safe to pull over for a "normal" vehicle.

Second, why the hell was his sidearm drawn?? Did he ever present any identification to the biker before grabbing his windshield? I wouldn't believe a man that just jumped out of a car in a hoodie with a gun drawn to be an officer just because he said so.

Third, does every officer in that state ask you for permission to be recorded when they pull you over? :surrender: I have never been asked permission to be recorded, but I know that a dash cam is sure as hell running.

Fourth, so if a person is out riding, capturing the fun on cam and someone next to them says. "Hey, nice bike!" Do you then have to ask their permission for it to be recorded?

This whole situation is a giant cluster f*ck. I feel for the guy.

I can agree 100% here. The clip doesnt show much, looks like the cop cut him off then rushed out with his firearm drawn. if that was me I would take that as a threat to my life and I wouldve defended myself. It looks like he didn't even attempt to identify himself as a police officer, I would've started swinging and asked questions later


New Member
Why are agents of government, armed and authorized to enforce the rule of law, protected by this secret recording law? I cannot see that there is benefit in doing so. I cannot see where government is entitled to protection from its citizens.

That's why it's so important to show up for jury duty.


New Member
Cop pulls a gun on motorcyclist.

What an asshole!!!! Guy is riding his bike, granted yes speeding and popping wheelies, but rides past the cop at 80mph, gets followed off the exit, then a plane clothes cop cuts him off in an unmarked car, draws his gun and tells him to put his hands up......

But check out how he tucks the gun away when he notices the dude has a camera mounted on his helmet.

The police searched his house and seized computers and the dude spent 26 hours in jail and faces the wiretapping charges that could conceivably put him away for 16 years.

Not that I would ever run...but this is a perfect reason to do it. Cops can basically do anything they want and get away with it.

Video No sound until the end when the cop cuts him off and pulls the gun

Article with kids interview article,8599,2008566,00.html

Taken from
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New Member
Was this the same guy from the other news story in Maryland?

The video doesn't load on my iPhone


New Member
Yes this is the same one we already when around the block about ( a few times). And this "3rd-Geer" sounds like a real intelligent individual. :thumbdown:


New Member
Sorry haven't been watching the news lately. Plus the article was posted yesterday on the time website... so unless you're in japan where things are from the future then I say I'm right up next to the news.

Back To Reality

New Member

That's what I do to threads I'm not interested in reading.

This issue is a big deal. A real big deal. Not only an attempted violation of Constitutional protection of free speech, but also a major violation of personal privacy in raiding their home, not to mention that someone forgot to document that they pulled their weapon.

I've been keeping a close eye on this one, and I was quite pleased when I read last week that the wiretapping charge did not apply to this situation since the judge stated that the cop had no reasonable expectation of privacy in conducting a traffice stop in public.

Thanks for posting that article.


New Member
I watched the video and here's my take:

ok, guy on bike starts backing up... couldn't tell the car was a cop, I'd have the same reaction. Cop pulls his gun because he thinks the bike is looking to escape.... NEVER points the gun at the rider, identifies himself as state police as he tells the rider to get off the bike. He "tucks" his gun once the bike has been shut off..... explain again: How is he an asshole? I am by no means a fan of cops, but even I couldn't find anything objectionable about what I just watched.

Now what happens after that point, the arrest, raid and crap about the legality of the video.... I concede are HUGE civil rights issues.

Back To Reality

New Member
Here's why.

The kid's residence was raided, several computers were taken, and the kid was put in jail for over a day after the guy with the gun decided that he didn't like the fact that he was videotaped. Then the kid, a National Guardsman, was charged with illegal wiretapping. Ironically, his bail was set at more than the maximum penalty for the infraction.

This wasn't just about the overreaction of the man with the gun, it was about a GROSS violation of Constitutional Protection.

Never mind the fact that these events are taped routinely from dash-mounted cams placed specifically for that purpose in certain taxpayer-funded public safety vehicles, it's apparently not our privilege (they thought) to do the same.

As far as the raid on this kid's home? Gestapo. This is the same state which is on the news YET AGAIN for needless execution of a family pet. Seems as though they like to shoot dogs in Maryland. Even the mayor of Berwyn Hts got a little taste of one of these storm-trooper pet eradication manuevers that turned out to be improperly warranted and resulted in the mayor being interrogated in his underwear for hours...followed by no charges.

As it has been said, comparing this to LA, the person who taped the Rodney King beating would've been arrested.

We need to take measures to protect ourselves. Some who are sworn to do it are not always so inclined.

(The post to which I was responding was edited and removed). Sorry if this seemed misplaced.
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New Member
I was just reacting to what that video shows, and I saw nothing wrong with what I saw.

But of course the rest of the story is just insane, and IMO this is why there should be no doubt that recording stuff like this should be the norm and not the exception. It'll eventually help to level the playing field. Believe me, if I'm ever in a similar situation the camera stays on.

I just hope the guy gets justice from all of this, whatever form that may take.


New Member
I dont worry too much about this, because I wouldnt be running from cops, pullling wheelies on the freeway and driving like an ASS. Although I think all that took place after was in error and shouldnt have happened. I still would have thrown the rider in jail and beaten him with a cane stick for making the rest of us look like 'typical jerk sportbike riders'.

I was pulled over just this weekend, 75 in a 55 coming back from the coast. He wasnt happy with my speed or that I passed a car doing 65 to start with. However, that was the extent of my actions, I pulled over when the lights came on (actually, he pulled over my friend then hand signaled me to pull over too when I approached them at the side of the road). I pulled over (sure, I could have kept going and pretended I didnt see him signal and been fine). He talked to us, asked us to slow, ran our ID, sent us on our way.

I do my best to make sure I give all sport-bike riding people a good name not only with the police, but with fellow people in cars, Peds walking on the streets and riding their bikes. When I see a jack-ass do the stuff this guy did in the video, I just shake my head and know that people will see me as just one of 'them'.

Pisses me off.
