The official Workout, Exercise & Diet Thread...


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Pop tarts are awesome, I mean, I hate them but, I like their quick calorie and carb without the heavy feeling. Quite a few of the trainers do this lol.

I'm currently very lowly employed, so I go to the gym whenever I want to...I sound so spoiled. But it's usually between breakfast and lunch, or after my afternoon snack. Or after dinner.

Breakfast for me is 5 eggs and 1/2 cup oatmeal, but it doesn't bother me to go soon after that. Mid afternoon snack is usually Greek yogurt with some protein powder added and a fruit, and then dinner is dinner. After every workout thought its protein powder (due to convenience and flavour lol) along with 70g of carbs of my choosing....usually oatmeal mixed with fruit or loads if fruit or some homemade treat like banana bread or brownies lol. It's like a "cheat meal" except, it's not, because I needs it. Which is what I love about it.

I just bump whatever conventional meal should have followed (say lunch) back a couple hours, and have my post workout snack instead if it ends up where I'm ending around lunchtime or dinner time.


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Not sure if there is an actual name for these or not..

Combination Movements - 135 LBS

I did about 8 sets of these towards the end of my work out today. This was my final drop set & set of the day.

Combination Movements - 135 LBS - YouTube

Looks like a rudimentary clean and jerk with a back squat. Although, you're definitely using more arms to get the bar to shoulders, so it's almost a reverse grip bicep curl;) I wish I could share the wonders of learning the clean and jerk, because its so beautiful and great for athletic performance. Every athlete in a power sport should know how to do those proficiently. It's all in the hipsssss ;)


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Been back at the gym for about 2 weeks now and I am hooked! I have so much energy after working out! Oddly enough I also kinda like being sore after a good workout!

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a lot of people I work out with do pre workout. I'm not a huge fan ive taken it a few times and did not feel a huge dif. although they swear by it. once or twice when it was one of those lazy days it did give me that little kick.

maybe ill get some just for reserve lol

What about protein for a post work out?

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Get your diet in check before worrying about supplements.

My diet is pretty much in check lol. Or at least i think. I've been doing Paleo diet for a while. I actually like it. Consume mad amounts of protein lol. I'm not as strict now as I used to be but I still stick to it.

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My diet is pretty much in check lol. Or at least i think. I've been doing Paleo diet for a while. I actually like it. Consume mad amounts of protein lol. I'm not as strict now as I used to be but I still stick to it.

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There is more to that fad diet than just consuming "mad" amount of protein.


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There is more to that fad diet than just consuming "mad" amount of protein.

I couldn't agree more but the diet also helps me cut out a lot of crap that's not good for me. Like fatty foods, sweets and other stuff. I eat a lot better than I did before. Avoiding the pizza is always a plus lol.

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