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Chin Ups & Pull Ups are 2 things I simply can't do....Sometimes I can do a couple, sometimes I can't do any... I am going to work on this movement & see if I can improve so that I can incorporate them into my normal routines. Both movements add serious gains. So, I am going to forget what I know & be a beginner & go with this program. I am going to give it a month or so & see how it goes..

How To Do Your First Pullup! (Then 8 more!) - YouTube

I used something similar when I started dips, something I couldn't do at all but now something I do all the time, even though that too needs improvement I still can do them now..

Just get your chin above the bar at least when you're doing these. Break the plane and fully extended at the bottom too- I can't stand half reps of pull-ups...or of anything really lol.

Walk the Plank - Pull Up Practice - YouTube

Madonna always makes me get my pullups.

Ok. you know you're tall. But your starting point needs your chin above the "bar" so do a lil jump and get yourself up there. Then "walk the plank" with knees bent (probably like you would for dips) and voila. Once you're all the way down, you then have my permission to put your feet down :p

I hope that video was a joke tho. lol
So I did the rest of my 1RM testing, and it's nothing like my deadlift but, I got 140lb bench (Alllllmost bodyweight!), 100lb Overhead Press, and 155lb Front Squat. My old squat was 115lb so I'm very happy with this improvement. I've had a horrible time trying to squat the last 3-4 years because of an ongoing ankle injury, but it's seems to have finally subsided.

And yesterday I pushed a 580lb prowler (weighted sled) 20 yards. That was pretty cool. I've never felt like barfing after ANYTHING so this was a new experience lol. I didn't actually but, that's the closest I've been.
I just listened to it LOL!!!!! Ya, that's why I always/try to wear head phones... That's what that black this is around my neck, wireless headphones..

Before I bought my scala rider I wore those headphones while riding.

I was looking at those headphones, you like them? Any complaints ?
Hey, it was my first time lol... The other movements I know but this is new to me.. Ok, I need to start off higher with chin over bar... OK, will try again soon... It sure seemed like I was higher when I was doing them lol... Then I saw my own video and was like wtf LOL

haha ok ok I'll ease off on ya :p But a good benchmark is getting your shoulders to touch your hands...if those are in the same area, you're gettin your chin above the bar lol.
Ok, im doing my best on form but know I have a lot of work to do. Trying to get my hips low is just difficult for my tall body.From here, my posted videos will be at higher & higher weights on the dead lift. And yes, my shorts are split in the rear lol..


Lookin good!
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