Squid decided to ruin our ride last night...


New Member
Ok so I RARELY ride with any sort of group, generally i'm a lone rider besides the occasional ride with my brother, but a few friends of mine were going riding last night, just a cruise, most of us had a passenger so it was just a nice group of about 6 of us cruising over Gauley Mountain.

Well to my suprise one guy brought his buddy, now most of my cruising buddies don't gear up besides a helmet, and a few wear gloves, but thats their choice not mine so I don't say anything. Anyway the new guys on a Yamaha R6S, the back tire is showing about a 1/2 inch wide strip of wire! He's in a helmet (equipped with a helmet hawk), a muscle shirt, jeans, and timberland boots and his girlfriends (a little on the chubbier side) is on the back in a t-shirt, jeans, and FLIP FLOPS! His tire pressure was low, so I warned him, and offered to let him ride back to my house and pump some air in, he declined. So I say "Fine then, but stay in the back so when you go down you don't cause anybody else to crash." and he did just that at first.

When we got on US Rt 19 from Beckley he rams the gas and goes around everybody nearly hitting the group leader who was changing into the left lane to go around a semi truck. So at this point i'm already pissed, we told the guy to take it easy because his tire was extremely dangerous (normally we'd tell him to go the fuck home when he showed up with the bad tire, but we were only going about 15 miles at a group set limit of 60 MPH) We stopped in Glen Jean for gas before we headed up the mountain and I told him to slow it down or turn around because we didn't want any of that stupidity, and he wasn't impressing anyone. He said ok, and he rode correct and in the back until we took the downtown exit into Oak hill, WV to meet up with another rider. Then I look in my side view to see him up on the back wheel with a passenger and a bad tire! He flys by me like that in a 25 MPH zone. At this point I see every other rider shaking their head, even the guy who brought him along (who apologized, said he had no idea he rode like that), I wanted to kick him over while he was going by me. When we stopped to meet the other rider everybody told the guy if he done anything else stupid we ourselves would call the police and report his liscense plate as we weren't going to be responsible for him. Needless to say he acted stupid again blowing down the interstate at 130.

BUT this is where it gets bad...Before my buddy even had time to call the police (he has a bluetooth helmet, dials by voice and doesn't have to stop) we hear a siren behind us... Now me, and everybone else besides the squidly man was only doing 5 MPH over the limit, nothing bad, we were just in a straight line cruising. However we ALL get pulled over (officer went by us all, slowed beside each one of us, bleeped the siren and pointed us off to the side of the road) and then he goes to get the guy on the R6s and brings him back. We ALL got tickets because there was reports of a group of people on "Crotch Rockets" riding aggresively, doing wheelies, and travelling what had to be an excess of 100+ MPH. We were pissed, I asked the officer to come back to his car and I explained to him that 5 out of the 6 of us were riding casually, just cruising down the rode to have a good time, not riding stupidly, and thankfully from that he dropped the Reckless driving part of our tickets, but we still all got speeding tickets for 60 in a 55, and the squid at least did get what he deserved and will probably get his liscense revoked for riding like a complete dumbass. He got tickets for:
Riding without an endorsement/learners, No isurance, Reckless driving, 90 in a 55

Anyway, we decided no more outsiders unless we know their riding style first. Sorry for the long post, but I had to vent a little :rofl2:
Wtf that's bullshit take it to court

No point, I won't win, the officer said he paced us at 60 in a 55, and from what i've learnt

Cops word > Anybody else's. Plus we really were doing 60 in a 55 so nothing to argue, we did it, and its only a 50$ ticket.
No point, I won't win, the officer said he paced us at 60 in a 55, and from what i've learnt

Cops word > Anybody else's. Plus we really were doing 60 in a 55 so nothing to argue, we did it, and its only a 50$ ticket.

You should make that F****** squid pay :mad:
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I know a lot of cops...I mean A LOT of cops are I am not sure any of them would really bust balls about 5 over the speed limit. That is insane that he even said he paced you at 60.

Anyways, I am sorry to hear that you guys got dragged down with that goon.
I think that a ticket for 5 over is ludacris! :shakehead:
No point, I won't win, the officer said he paced us at 60 in a 55, and from what i've learnt

Cops word > Anybody else's. Plus we really were doing 60 in a 55 so nothing to argue, we did it, and its only a 50$ ticket.

U can tell you how to get out of a ticket. Find out the court date for it, and the week of, have the date switched due to "Work reasons" the officer usually has their court dates all set on a specific day of the week. They wont be able to attend and it usually gets dropped :) I read this somewhere :steve:
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I certainly don't speak for everyone on here but in my personal opinion a cuss word here or there in a light situation is fine. But please keep the derogatory words to yourself, and the cussing to a minimum. There are all sorts of people on this forum who may take offense to your language. We all try to respect each other here. That may have been okay on the 250 forum but we all saw how those people treated each other. Again welcome and I ask this very humbly. Thanks!:thumbup:

No offense, but if somebody can't stand to hear a curse word then they need to get off the internet. Its everywhere, it always will be. Yes the word "Fa**ot" is different, because I understand there may be a few homosexual people here, but cursing is just a given thing that you are going to see on a forum, I don't care what one your on.

And if a forum takes away the right for that and censors it, etc etc, well its the freedom of speech thing, people hate when somebody tries to tell them how to talk and it usually makes alot of people leave.

For example they censored CobaltSS.net (a forum I frequent, have nearly 4000 post there) and literally they lost 60% of their members, now they make it an option to turn the sensors on or off, which I think is better, and that made me and the others return to the site.
How is that derogatory......he said faggot not a cuss word

Faggot is also a cigarette
Or a faggot is also a bundle of sticks
Or a faggot is a negative word used to describe homsexuals

Straight outta the dictionary.....and how do u know what meaning he was using......jut saying

Just playing the devils advocate here
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We should keep the animosity, arguing etc to a minimum here but to do a complete restriction of posts to exclude any wording that may upset the parents of a 5 year old is freaking ridiculous. If your skin is THAT THIN, get OFF the internet now. I'm not kidding....you are going to see this everywhere except some ultra religious and monitored site.

I try really hard not to disparage people based on sexual preference, religion, ethnicity and political preference but some words are appropriate no matter how some feel. A Fag is a cigarette in Britain, New Zealand and other former British Colonies. A pair of Dykes are wire cutters and have nothing to do with LGBT issues.

The English language is rich in history and context and there are many words to describe things without having to resort to using words that are used contemporarily as derogatory terms. Having 2 Cousins and a Nephew that are gay, I understand the issue but please understand this important point. Our sexual preference is not normally an outward part of a straight person's public life as it is a private thing. A person that is gay that outwardly promotes their sexual preference overshadows their personality, intelligence and human qualities and that is really very PATHETIC. We are much more than a sexual preference.......
Look up the word faggot on Wikipedia and you see 19 variations with only 1 of the variations derogatory. With this logic we will all be grunting like cavemen because someone will attach sexual preference and derogatory meanings to every word in the English language.

Even the term "squid" can be taken as derogatory by an Asian person.... Does only perceived Gay references get noticed while racist terms are routinely ignored? It seems a like an agenda is being pursued when only one derogatory term is being branded as homophobic while a possible racist term is accepted and ignored.

I think faggot was over the top and uncalled for but where do we draw the line in the sand after that? Should we make a list of words that may offend you and put them into the filter?

Just putting this out there and in no way am I judging you....

I certainly don't speak for everyone on here but in my personal opinion a cuss word here or there in a light situation is fine. But please keep the derogatory words to yourself, and the cussing to a minimum. There are all sorts of people on this forum who may take offense to your language. We all try to respect each other here. That may have been okay on the 250 forum but we all saw how those people treated each other. Again welcome and I ask this very humbly. Thanks!
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Could a mod clear the cussing debate from the thread please? I'd like to get back on topic!
Wow, I certainly opened a can of worms there. Say whatever you want, It really doesn't bother me at all. I personally try to avoid it myself in respect for others. I was stating my opinion and nothing else. Not asking for moderators to sensor. :surrender:

The situation will take care of itself in due time Kevin. Be patient and sit back and watch.

Back on topic folks.... Back on topic.... :D
