Squid decided to ruin our ride last night...

Sooooooo were not talking about cussing anymore....jk jk jk

Seriously though I'd do what cc said and try to get it dropped
I would fight it myself a ticket for 5 MPH over is pretty chicken SH#@ ticket to write in my opinion I would go tell the judge what happened and you might skirt out of it without having to pay anything. Most Judges dont like to see tickets wrote for 5 MPH , they pretty much have the same thought that its a crap ticket.....and heres another thing ...when was the last time the cops speedo was calibrated? all things that are asked in court by defense attorneys....

theres always one in the crowd and Like you already stated you will just have be more picky on who rides and who doesnt.....set the ground rules right out of the gate and if they dont like it tell them to kick rocks...
Wow, I certainly opened a can of worms there. Say whatever you want, It really doesn't bother me at all. I personally try to avoid it myself in respect for others. I was stating my opinion and nothing else. Not asking for moderators to sensor. :surrender:

You have a valid point. Never apologize for expressing your opinion. No one here is disagreeing with your point of view.
Good thing we don't call cruisers the term they used in Southpark....:D
Hey once again sorry for hijacking your thread. My bad.

On topic, sucks when one rotten apple spoils the bunch. Personally I would fight or at least mitigate it if I were you. Hope that works out.

Oh god Kevin what have you done:wav:

Still love yah bro;)

Good advice:steve:
5 over? there has got to be a way you can argue that. Maybe throw in how bike's speedo's are off by a percentage so you were trying to ride with traffic speed because it is safer that way? I dunno man but I drive about 7 over everywhere I go and have never gotten a ticket unless i was going 12 or more over.
sorry to hear this happened. i would've been pissed too.

i hear about this sorta thing happening a lot, unfortunately... cops sometimes react too slow, and ppl get nailed for the driving/ riding behavior of someone else on the road simply due to mistaken identity... cops are ppl too, and they make mistakes. sometimes they write these kinda tickets just to save face after realizing they probably messed up..

i dunno if u can really make the squid pay for everyone's tickets. yes- he caused the problem. but, u guys did, after all, allow him to ride along with you when u very well could've pulled off the road or separated yourselves... and, even by ur own admission u were riding faster than the speed limit. it's really just a combination of bad luck...

try to fight the ticket by written declaration, if that's allowed in your state. or, go to court and fight it.
fight the ticket... cop could not have paced 6 bikes... he can only pace one bike, can only vouch that one bike was speeding, which one of you was it??? He probably can't even remember which bike was in the back of the pack....

Fight the ticket....

and to the squid... after the first offense we dump people... it's our riding group and we tell people in the pre-ride speech, F*K up once, and you will be asked to leave. It's not a democracy, it's about the safety of the other riders in the group. F*K up on a second ride, and you are banned from future rides.

Good advice here:steve:
sorry to hear this happened. i would've been pissed too.

i hear about this sorta thing happening a lot, unfortunately... cops sometimes react too slow, and ppl get nailed for the driving/ riding behavior of someone else on the road simply due to mistaken identity... cops are ppl too, and they make mistakes. sometimes they write these kinda tickets just to save face after realizing they probably messed up..

i dunno if u can really make the squid pay for everyone's tickets. yes- he caused the problem. but, u guys did, after all, allow him to ride along with you when u very well could've pulled off the road or separated yourselves... and, even by ur own admission u were riding faster than the speed limit. it's really just a combination of bad luck...

try to fight the ticket by written declaration, if that's allowed in your state. or, go to court and fight it.

Very good points there. I too was going to suggest that the "squid" pay the ticket for the rest of the guys who got charged too but as stated above by Detrich....... Laurie
depending on what that ticket might do to your insurance... within a week, you'll start to get a few letters in the mail from lawyers (nice how they get your info eh?) that fight traffic violations, it might be worth it to pay them a hundred or so, heck they could probably get that BS 5 over ticket dropped to a lesser non moving violation for no license points. good luck

Maybe a little too strong of a sentiment?

Not all Police are like this. I bet that Cop was pissed off at the Squid big time and went overboard on the group. His actions don't speak for all the LEOs out there.
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back on topic:
did the guy with the bluetooth complete the call to report the squid? If he did, that should be enough for the judge to dismiss. If he didn't complete the call, a copy of the first post of this thread should be enough for a judge to make the right decision.
