Sage's GoPro Videos


Well-Known Member
Just thought I would start my own thread for videos since I'll most likely start posting videos of rides/drives with groups or when i get bored out on my own in the near future.

Here is a little teaser commercial I made with the GoPro! Enjoy! :)

[ame=]YouTube - GoPro Midterm Commercial Final Cut[/ame]
Nice little video. You need to do some drive by's on it and add a little top gear effect!
Part 1 of our group ride on Friday, there were about 10-15 bikes there and we went along the country roads around town which turned out to be a blast, there were quite a few curvy-ish areas and some of the hills were a rush to go through at speed. I was ignorant of the roads though as I had never ridden any of them so I was playing it safe most of the time and not pushing it in the corners, so I caution, the video is a little monotonous. Here is the first 37 min until we make our midpoint stop to check up on everyone at take a little break. Enjoy!

(ps any criticism to help me w/ my riding from what you can tell in the vid is always helpful, not much to go on in the area of my riding position though lol)

[ame=]YouTube - MoM Ride April 8th - Part 1[/ame]
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It sounded like every time there was a curve in the road you backed off and it seemed like you were falling pretty far behind, then you tried to catch up in the straights. The guy at the begining was too eager to pass you so it was good you let him pass you. You did start crossing the lane quite a bit, during those curves around the 18 minute mark.

But looked like fun.
Thanks for mentioning that I was getting on the line, I hadn't noticed in the vid, but did know i was getting pretty close to it on some turns after I backed off a bit too far. I was just trying to get a feel for the roads as I had never ridden on them and don't get a chance to do anything that is remotely twisty usually, so I just stayed toward the back with some of the rat bikes and a harley as they were just gunna cruise around the speed limit. I do agree that a few times I got behind, but I was usually about 5 seconds or so behind the next bike just to be on the safe side since a few of them seemed to be pushing their limits.

Thanks for your input! :)
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Thanks for the vid, I too tend to ride almost exactly like you were so its nice to see Im not the only one who lets off just a tiny bit coming into the corners
I wasn't critisizing, sorry if it seemed that way. I back out as well if I am not certain. I live in the suburbs of Chicago as well, where were you riding?? There are some nice roads, just hard to find them in this area lmao!

I was wondering how often you guys meet up.
I wasn't critisizing, sorry if it seemed that way. I back out as well if I am not certain. I live in the suburbs of Chicago as well, where were you riding?? There are some nice roads, just hard to find them in this area lmao!

I was wondering how often you guys meet up.

I wasn't taking it as bad critisizm :), I'm glad you pointed that out and just decided to provide more info haha. Actually I live over by the Mississippi River when I'm back home and attend college in Missouri. This ride was on roads on going around the outskirts of Columbia.

That was actually my first time riding with them on the bike, I took my car once before after being asked to come along. I think they try and do a ride every two weeks or so or depending on when they get one organized.
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just my .02

in the MTII class i took, they tought it as the proper way to take a turn is to do all your breaking and downshifting before...then to go steady through...
majority had jackets, but yea there were a few with nothing but the required helmet, I think there were only 2 of us fully geared up.. I know it was hot but c'mon now..
That was why I pointed out the line. He figured it out, it tends to happen to mid westerners, We forget how to stay in the throttle through the curves lmao! We never get to see them.

I ride the great river road a couple times a year through at least the illinios section. Just thought I might catch ya, I run right through Grafton, St. Louis, and all the shtuuff on the way down.

Anyways, be safe, have fun.
That was why I pointed out the line. He figured it out, it tends to happen to mid westerners, We forget how to stay in the throttle through the curves lmao! We never get to see them.

I ride the great river road a couple times a year through at least the illinios section. Just thought I might catch ya, I run right through Grafton, St. Louis, and all the shtuuff on the way down.

Anyways, be safe, have fun.

I do need to go through part of it this summer, I really want to ride the portion around Nauvoo since I've heard the scenery is fantastic. Might randomly see you sometime haha. I know I've spotted one guy on a White 2009 last weekend squidding it out and I know 2 others were sold to some older fellas, but have yet to see them out and about. C'mon Fizzers :p
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just watched bits and pieces as i'd rather ride than watch someone else ride lol.

at the 24 min mark the group comes to a stop sign and every last one of the riders puts both feet down when stopped. my safety course instructor said that was a bad habit. proper riding position was clutch in, left foot down, right foot on the brake...wouldn't talk to you or give further instruction until you were doing those three things

EDIT: also was a bit disturbed when the group comes to a stop at 21min 40sec and the rider in the blue sweatshirt has his hand off the clutch and foot on the shifter...
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Thanks for mentioning that I was getting on the line, I hadn't noticed in the vid, but did know i was getting pretty close to it on some turns after I backed off a bit too far. I was just trying to get a feel for the roads as I had never ridden on them and don't get a chance to do anything that is remotely twisty usually, so I just stayed toward the back with some of the rat bikes and a harley as they were just gunna cruise around the speed limit. I do agree that a few times I got behind, but I was usually about 5 seconds or so behind the next bike just to be on the safe side since a few of them seemed to be pushing their limits.

Thanks for your input! :)

Ryan,, Kudos to you for having the common sence for taking it easy on a road that you really don't know. To many people who are new to motorcycling ride with their friends (who may have more miles under their belt) and feel pressured to keep up,so they don't get razzed by their buddies get themselves in trouble. You took it easy,backed off on corners that you didn't know, and fell back at bit. As long as you are comfortable,with how you ride,that is what matters. Stay safe,so you can ride again.;)
I do need to go through part of it this summer, I really want to ride the portion around Nauvoo since I've heard the scenery is fantastic. Might randomly see you sometime haha. I know I've spotted one guy on a White 2009 last weekend squidding it out and I know 2 others were sold to some older fellas, but have yet to see them out and about. C'mon Fizzers :p

I am on a raven. I won't be the one running fast, dragging a knee, or doing a wheely:rolleyes: Lmao! Seriously, I will be a raven with bags and a tent strapped on it.

I might be considered not young. 37 lol.

WtF is squidding? lol! I have no clue what the hell you guys are always sayin with that lmao!
just watched bits and pieces as i'd rather ride than watch someone else ride lol.

at the 24 min mark the group comes to a stop sign and every last one of the riders puts both feet down when stopped. my safety course instructor said that was a bad habit. proper riding position was clutch in, left foot down, right foot on the brake...wouldn't talk to you or give further instruction until you were doing those three things

EDIT: also was a bit disturbed when the group comes to a stop at 21min 40sec and the rider in the blue sweatshirt has his hand off the clutch and foot on the shifter...

I am not sure how you would plan on standing on the brake and clutch in. Do you leave your bike in first at a light? You shouldn't.. If you have something happen, and your hand releases you will go ahead when you don't want to. But hey go on with your BIKE NAZI self! lmao!!!!
I do need to go through part of it this summer, I really want to ride the portion around Nauvoo since I've heard the scenery is fantastic. Might randomly see you sometime haha. I know I've spotted one guy on a White 2009 last weekend squidding it out and I know 2 others were sold to some older fellas, but have yet to see them out and about. C'mon Fizzers :p

Nauvoo to Grafton is a very nice ride. I like the southern part better lol. It's all nice, I have done everything from the top but haven't made it to the gulf yet.

I love this rider view that I did, but hate how much shaking there is because of the windscreen not being rigid enough

[ame=]YouTube - Rider Facing View[/ame]
