Right Brake Caliper Bleed Screw Leaking


Lumen Junkie
Elite Member
I'm concerned that you said the speed bleeders "they don't seem to want to go in". I wonder what was wrong and if you messed up the threads on the caliper?
It should not take much pressure to seal the bleed screws. Do they spin freely after unseating them?

So I am a little bothered. I get Spiegler Stainless Steel brake lines and also decided to get speed bleeders to make my life easier. Next I do the install of the lines, fairly straight forward, rather easy. Then I go to put the speed bleeders on, and they don't seem to want to go in, so I just stick with the stocks. I bleed the brakes the old fashioned way and go on with my day. Ride about 150 miles and then stop and there is some brake fluid on my caliper around the bleed screw.

I clean it up with brake cleaner, and it is good to go. I ride some more, and there is a little bit less there. So at this point I am concerned, because replacing a caliper isn't really what I would like to be doing on a bike that has less than 6000 miles. Is it possible that there was a little left over inside the screw that would have leaked out? Should I worry that the incorrect sized speed bleeders did damage to the caliper?
When you bleed brakes it is not uncommon to have brake fluid left or trapped in the hole of the bleeder screw. As you drive the remaining fluid would spill out. You could give this a try; clean the bleeder screws which you said you did. Pump up the front brake lever and tie it on with a cargo strap or something similar so the front brakes are applied and let it sit over night. The next day if there is no fluid present and the front wheel is still locked up you should be OK. If not remove the bleeder screw and check to see if there is any debris around the bottom of the screw and calliper hole. That is the sealing surface.
