Riding etiquette


New Member
Since I'm a fairly new rider (second year) I was just wondering if this is normal riding etiquette? I was at a red light, first in line in my lane of three lanes going in my direction and with cars on either side of me in their lanes. Another bike pulls up right beside me and actually edges a little in front of me . . hogging my lane and I was unsure what he was doing (I thought he was going to take off in front of me). I waited a second or two when light went green and he didn't move so I took off and he just lagged way behind. Seemed very odd to me. I never pull alongside other riders, especially one's I don't know, or at stop signs or lights. What the correct riding etiquette guys?
You were there first. He let you go first. Which side did he pull up on? If some one pulled up on my left (if I was foolish and left enough room ) I would expect him to leave first. That being the rule for group riding. If he pulled up on my right I would expect to takeoff first with him trailing at the proper distance. If he left the light as if he were racing, no matter which side he was on, I would slow down and keep my distance, even turn off. I don't have room enough on my license for other peoples foolishness.
It's illegal in some states to share lanes (ie VA). Not that you did anything wrong. Just be aware of the laws of the state you are riding in. Not much you could do in this case either way though.
If there weren't any other cars i would say maybe he pulled up to help trigger the light, we do that a lot around my area becase if its a turn arrow not the light will NEVER change until a car comes up and we are stuck running the lights which i hate doing. Maybe he just pulled up to see the bike as he was not used to seeing such an amazing awesome bike? lol... i stay behind bikes at right lights and stop signs unless i'm riding with someone i know and then i stop next to them to talk to them. More often then not bikes will pull up next to me to "check out the chick on the bike" so who knows...
All good points guys, thanks. I was actually centered in my lane to discourage anyone (bike or car) from trying to share my lane so was very surprised when he did, and he appeared completely disinterested in me or my bike, just pulled up into the narrow half lane space and looked straight ahead. Not a biggy but I just felt he was taking away my margin of safety space that I had tried to create.
All good points guys, thanks. I was actually centered in my lane to discourage anyone (bike or car) from trying to share my lane so was very surprised when he did, and he appeared completely disinterested in me or my bike, just pulled up into the narrow half lane space and looked straight ahead. Not a biggy but I just felt he was taking away my margin of safety space that I had tried to create.

To be honest he probably didnt have any concern of you. Probably rookied out and just pulled into your bubble and yeah....
Yeah, he was probably just out doing his own thing with no regard for you. I've had guys swipe into my lane going to down the road, basically fill out a two rider column without me knowing about it until they were there, and I've had guys I've waived into the lane with me to save space during heavy traffic blow me off and sit on the other lane and slow the flow of traffic.

Basically, as said above, there isn't anything definite. Just keep your head on a swivel and be safe.
