Replaced fork seals but still see fork oil on the fork.


I just replaced my fork seals myself and after two rides I'm still seeing oil covering the same fork that was leaking before. I did replace the seals on both forks, so if I damaged one accidentally it's odd that it was the same one as before.

Is there a chance that something else could be causing the leak on the fork than the seal itself being bad? How difficult is it to damage a seal during the installation so that it doesn't stop the leak. Here's a pic to show the oil level on the outer part of the fork.


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Did you pack the seals landing with grease or oil it during assembly? I dont recall if there is a top/bottom to the main oil seal. Any chance it may be upside down?

The seal could have a nick in the lip or perhaps the stanchion has a nick/pit/gouge?

Mine randomly leak and quit but its usually from dried on bug guts and their dried parts cause seepage until they devolve!
Damaging a seal is really easy. Well actually damage isnt the right word as rolling the seal is what it really is. Did you thoroughly inspect the fork for any nicks or scratches when you replaced the seals? How was the original seal damaged? Torn? Worn? Scratched? Knowing why the original seal failed will help fix why this one failed too. If you still have the part, mind taking pictures?


This was the first time I've done this work myself, my gut feeling is that I misunderstood the shop owner's advice on how to insert it right side up, I want to say I have it spring side up... The fork seal driver I used was a universal one that was a pain in the butt, so I also may have damaged it by driving it in incorrectly. I'll see if I can find the old one and photograph it...
This was the first time I've done this work myself, my gut feeling is that I misunderstood the shop owner's advice on how to insert it right side up, I want to say I have it spring side up... The fork seal driver I used was a universal one that was a pain in the butt, so I also may have damaged it by driving it in incorrectly. I'll see if I can find the old one and photograph it...

Did you apply grease to the inside of the seal to allow it to slide down the tube without rolling?


I may not have greased it well enough during application. Either way, I'm hoping to redo it this weekend and I'm much better prepared now to put it back together better. I'm hoping it's not a nick in the fork..
