prayers please. father just had heart attack

I work in the medical industry, on the engineering side of devices. Sounds like he wil be fine. Those stents have come a long way and its fast. Obviously there was plaque built up in his "piping". Good diet and less stress and he should be ok . Lucky it was in a public place and help arrived quickly. Timing is everything. Good luck and a speedy recovery.
Thoughts and prayers with you.

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Sending thoughts and prayers sir. Thankfully your father has been in good hands from the beginning. Although I don't know you personally, I can tell you to be confident that medical staff will do the best to their ability and hoping for a speedy recovery! I too have had close calls with my mom due to cardiac issues and it's no fun, which is why I decided to enroll in EMT school. Hang in there buddy and spend more time with him as he is prone to this type of thing now. You have a big extended family here we all wish you well!
So far he is doing good. Still in the hospital. Could possibly go home today or tomorrow. Still do not know of any damage this could have caused yet. I guess they did do a preliminary ultrasound on his heart yesterday and should know today if there is any obvious damage.
So glad your dad is ok and going home soon. Prayers does miracles. Thank you God. Take good care of him.

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While we were in there waiting, they started yelling Code Blue over the intercom. No clue what that meant, I googled it and it said it was for Cardiac Arrest. I started freaking out, but then my mom said they said in ER room XX. We were up in Cath lab so it couldnt be him. I prayed she was right. Well we just found out it was a guy that was 38 years old that came in. He did not make it.
Doc says bottom half of heart is not working anymore. :( Says not to worry though, the rest of the heart compensates and he will be ok. May or may not return function. Great... Says it was not in the wall of his heart so very lucky there. Apparently my grandfather's bottom half does not work either..? Really dont understand all of this how half cannot work and you can be ok.. Really scary. They are letting him go home now though... They want him to lose 25 pounds. Strict heart healthy diet.
JSP, glad to hear that your dad is going to be ok. The human body is a pretty amazing machine and does heal and compensate for things. Stay strong, he and the rest of your family will need you.

Positive vibes comming your way!
My dad lived 25 yrs after quad bypass. Just take care of him and make sure he stays on the diet plan. I'm happy for u and ur family. I caught my dad with a cig in his hand 2 yrs after. That's the only time I ever slapped anything out of his hand.
Will be praying for your pops Jay. Hope u guys take good care of him and that he'll be ok. :)
All my best to your dad and you Jay. I went through this with my dad and it is amazing what they (doctors) can do. Good Luck buddy.

Thanks everyone. He is back at home now. They want him to rest for a week then back to normal stuff I guess. Hope he sticks with his new lifestyle of eating. Needs to lose those pounds and really stick with it. His life depends on it.
