Power power more power!

I had a CBR954RR, I miss the power......
Until you are running WOT and redline shifting and finding yourself sorely disappointed all the time, you don't need a new bike. The 6R isn't the fastest bike going, but there is plenty of snot in the upper end of the tach. It's a Yamaha, don't be afraind to rev it up. It will not blow up. Ever.
You are going to lose money when you upgrade. Mitigate this loss by squeezing every cent of fun out of your 6R before you trade up. The sad news is, judging from what you said, you will become bored with your 6R. You will mod it. It won't be enough. You will upgrade at a loss. You will eventually become bored with that new, more powerful bike. You will mod it. It won't be enough. You will upgrade at a loss. You will eventually become bored with THAT new, more powerful bike. You will mod it. It won't be enough. You will upgrade at a loss. This cycle will continue until you are A) broke, or B) to old and crippled to ride around like a maniac anymore.
If you break the cycle due to being too old to crawl all over a sportbike, you will find yourself rolling past a dealership on your Goldwing thinking to yourself "the new model year has 15 more HP. Hmmmmm"
That's something nobody warned you about when you decided to buy a bike. You're cursed with it now. Get used to having an awesome bike and eating cat food.
When I totaled the FZ6R, it was 1 year old and I lost about $4,000.00 in value plus the $4,000.00 I put into it. Couldn't afford another bike so I bought one with a great frame and motor that needed a new front end installed that was already bought by the previous owner but the project was too much for him to complete and he needed rent money.
Triumphs are notorious for extremely poor resale value. I don't know why but for me it was perfect. So I got it cheap and spent 6 months tinkering around taking off sections of the bike and inspecting, cleaning and adjusting or replacing until I had an old 1999 that looked and ran like new.
It's retarded fast although a tad heavy for it's class (like the FZ6R) and now that I know it well, it's easy to maintain and repair on the cheap.
I believe part of the problem in motorcycle resale value is the cost of maintenance at the dealership and Ducati and Triumphs aren't cheap for shop labor. Learn to do all your own repairs and maintenance and the best way is to buy a good project bike that doesn't need a ton of parts but lots of TLC and you can learn on the cheap.
Thats what im worried about with this bike. Dont get me wrong, im a new rider on the street still, and have a lot to learn, but im worried ill end up losing all the money I put into the bike, and wasting my time. Then again I guess it is kind of a "personal" investment as im getting used to the bike.

Maybe I was just expecting more power. Ive always heard crotch rockets are just retarded fast.

Idk, kind of difficult, im a shortish guy, not very heavy. And im already kind of stuck with the brand new bike, if I sold it now id be talking about a 1000$ loss minimum.

This bike isn't a "crotch rocket" though, its sport touring, much different than a super sport, it's tuned differently so its easier for commuting around town. If you were looking for that "crotch rocket" power, a r6 would've been a little better choice, those bikes have a higher power band and more horsepower.
This bike isn't a "crotch rocket" though, its sport touring, much different than a super sport, it's tuned differently so its easier for commuting around town. If you were looking for that "crotch rocket" power, a r6 would've been a little better choice, those bikes have a higher power band and more horsepower.

+1000 on that

In this case it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck but it's a long way from a duck.
This bike isn't a "crotch rocket" though, its sport touring, much different than a super sport, it's tuned differently so its easier for commuting around town. If you were looking for that "crotch rocket" power, a r6 would've been a little better choice, those bikes have a higher power band and more horsepower.

I guess thats the proper statement. The main thing that gets me, is ive heard crotch rockets usually could pull up in like 3rd gear, this thing wont unless I tried hard in first. And the top speed kinda bums me a bit too, was expecting a bit higher speed I suppose.

I really think I could cure 70% of this itch if I could just find some freaking twist roads, i can tell for that this bike has plenty of power, but for straight highway its kind of meh.

I have been shifting around 5 when cruising, and around 6-7 when just fun shifting.
I guess thats the proper statement. The main thing that gets me, is ive heard crotch rockets usually could pull up in like 3rd gear, this thing wont unless I tried hard in first. And the top speed kinda bums me a bit too, was expecting a bit higher speed I suppose.

I really think I could cure 70% of this itch if I could just find some freaking twist roads, i can tell for that this bike has plenty of power, but for straight highway its kind of meh.

I have been shifting around 5 when cruising, and around 6-7 when just fun shifting.

Sounds like your still expecting way more out of your bike than what it is capable of speed wise. If you think of it as a "standard bike" in "crotch rocket" clothes which is pretty much exactly what it is, some circles even say its a "starter/beginner bike" which wouldn't be wrong either, you will be more in the right mind set.

I see you live in TX, not sure where but I hear there are some great twisties in "hill country" where ever that's at, don't know if your close to that or not. But maybe try to find a local forum where you can find some good roads to ride and learn how to turn that thing and you fall in live all over again. Especially when you get good at it and blow by those guys on their "crotch rockets"
You said you are new to riding on the street, want to power wheelie in third gear, and the 130mph top speed isn't fast enough...sounds like a formula for disaster. After a certain speed, it doesn't get any more fun, at least for me. Driving 90 mph on the SoCal freeways isn't any more fun than going 60mph...it's just windier.

My recommendation is to learn to have fun while riding safe. Some of the most fun I have had riding was on my little 2008 ninja 250r.
^^ Yet I agree, again im pretty sure if i found some good twisties id be so much more happy, but the straight highways kill it. And every twisty around here either is a completely blind turn, or has very very poor road surface.
Sounds to me like you should quit being a pus*y and just get a 'Busa. Why f*ck around?

right, just make sure you lower and extend it, oh and don't forget to chrome your front rim and then take off 1 of your rotors so everyone can see your bling. opps almost forgot about the 300mm tire to improve cornering, dog

Unless you can ride like rossi, most power upgrades are useless. 95% of street riders don't have the ability to push their bikes (not trying to insult anyone its just a fact) unless you want to go faster in a straight line which I find quite boring. :)
