Phillip Island MotoGP '13


Well-Known Member
I will be riding across for the festivities this year.

Anyone else heading down this year?
When you decide to come across you can ship your own bike throught these guys at getrouted;)
It sounds like the ride down there is the best part.

Parking, tickets, campsite permit, campsite, camoflauged Vic Police, 12 hour ride home while tired, that's the hard part.

I have a friend that lives near the highway halfway between Sydney and Melb, he says for the Saturday of the weekend all he hears is motorbikes "sounding like hornets" for 8 hours straight on the way down.

You'd have to think about riding via the Riverina and Snowy Mountains rather than the efficient Doom Hwy (Hume Hwy). Then again, you may want to get their fast if you're a Queenslander.
If your up for all night partying, sure enjoy the campsite,
if you prefer some sleep rent a holiday shack somewhere with mates.

The 12hour+ ride to and from is painful but really worth it, esp. if you take the long way round.

If you make it to Adelaide drop me a line and we can ride some fun roads
I really wanted to go this year (and last) but had already booked Bathurst for this year, so one or the other I guess!

I wouldnt ride through the Riverina - shit boring! I live there and its a good 2 hour ride just to find a corner! :( I need to move back to home to the Blue Mountains and have the putty rd etc back at my front door! I miss Sydney...
3 days and counting...
it's just like Xmas used to be as a kid!
I will try to get as many photos as possible and share afterwards

Oops my apologies, I posted my ramblings elsewhere, refer links below

Upset ranting post

Photostream post

Overall though, it was a massive weekend of riding with my brothers throughout south-east Vic
Unreal ridge rides around there!:D

The weather was kind of all over the place.
Involved 1200Km's of cross winds gusting between 60 to 120km/h
Started out at 6am from Radelaide, up and over the hills to escape the city and then eastward, rocked into Inverloch around 7:30pm for dinner at the pub and bedded down at our beach house

Slept in:)
Other brother and Sister in Law rocked from the boat from Tassie around 9:30am
Hung out, caught up and went for All day breakfast in Cowes around midday
Bikes a plenty everywhere -def a perve fest for sure,
especially with my eldest bro walking into numerous street furniture and verandah posts due to staring at too many bikes whilst walking! LOL!

Got to the track around 9am
Plenty of bikes and sun it was a beautiful day wihtout a doubt!
Watched Lorenzo collect a seagull:eek: and break laptimes at the same time:wtfgun:
Moto2 and Moto3 deserve way more respect than they get coverage for, they are just as good to watch:D
Left the track for dinner at Inverloch Pizza House (one in Main St! NOT beach front) damn good food there I def reccomend them.

Good weather (especially for PI) only slight sprinkle of rain in arvo
Sat between turn 10 & 11 and enjoyed the show (damn tyre manufacturers!)
Inverloch Pub for dinner -pretty good feed in there too!

Packed and ready to roll at 6am
Outta Inverloch by 7am and hooked it back west to SA

PI is becoming a pilgrimmage I look forward to each year and now I cant wait to do it all again!:D
pity about the race's being shortened but its all about the whole "experience" so its good to see you enjoiyed yourself!

That Seagull into Lorenzo was hilarious, would have thought he may have noticed the wing hanging out..must have better things to look at @ 200kmh+. lol.

Im going to try and make my maiden voyage to PI next year, bring it on cant wait!
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I go every year, good thing about having a holiday house at San Remo!!

I thought the tyre problems added another element to the whole spectacle, it mixed it up a bit especially the having to change bikes part. Who knows, it could be come a feature :p

Lucky boy!
I may have to drop past next year for beer;)

A stunning moment thinking back to it today was watching Crutchlow slipstream past Bautista on the last corner,
he flew outta that corner like he was on a AC-carrier catapult,
..........that was incredible to see.

Ahh only 12months till next year
