new safety pack?

See red

New Member
So My wife thought it would be funny to go to the store on my bike with her idea of a new safety back pack lmao!!!!


more like epic fail! <lol>

real men wear Yoda backpack buddies! hahahaha

(J/K of course) =)
Ida loved it if my wife woulda had an idea like that! I always enjoy nerding out and watching what other people think!
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I took my wife riding today and she asked to stop at the walgreeens for a minute so she could grab somthing. She came out all proud because she bought some ear plugs for me so I wouldnt keep shoving tissue in my ears.. They were PINK!

Like a good husband I thanked her, Thinking no one would know since I would be wearing my helmet lol.

Big Giant man, 6"7 wearing PINK earplugs!

There should be thread for stories about the wife! :D
As corny as it sounds I'm envious. My wife doesn't do stuff like that
My wife has the best intentions........... and loves to let me look like a jack ass while doing it! lmao!!!!!

My wife would never buy ears plugs so I can hear her bitchin about the speed limit.. lmao!!!:thumbup:
I wouldn't get to participate other than saying "lucky!!" lol
I think I speak for all the unmarried here when I ask this, but what's a speed limit? :innocent:

It's the value indicated by the speedometer when you have the throttle twisted as far as it will go. I think.

I saw some signs on the side of the road the other day that said "Speed Limit" but it was obviously talking about some other vehicle. Mine goes waaay faster than that.

It's the value indicated by the speedometer when you have the throttle twisted as far as it will go. I think.

I saw some signs on the side of the road the other day that said "Speed Limit" but it was obviously talking about some other vehicle. Mine goes waaay faster than that.

