new 11 reddish copper fz6r pics & mod advice

FE: good for flinging dirty water down your back in afternoon Florida thunderstorms

TBR exhaust: good for making noise; soon to be good for getting noise violation tickets in several areas throughout the world

Pigspotters: good for being able to check yourself out while riding; will be 100% useless for actually seeing leo's on your six


Flush mounts can get you a ticket here, particularly if you ride like a tard and mr.policeman is already writing you up for other violations ~ no idea about Florida. I would check out the ZX10R mirrors being discussed elsewhere on the board, myself.

Search "juicebox"

Thanks for the help safe-t, i opted out of getting the pig spotters. Really want some flush mounts tho n need something with turn signals. The trojans look terrible. I might go with the kawi zx mirrors and just get smaller turn signals on the side. Thanks again for the advice.
What's up with the graphics on the red 2011? Looks like control levers?

Move over, Starburst Yellow, here comes Double-Clutch Red.
What's up with the graphics on the red 2011? Looks like control levers?

Move over, Starburst Yellow, here comes Double-Clutch Red.

Control levers? i dont see that. I for one love these graphics. Theres a lot of suttle detail if u look closely. Much better than that star graphic on the yellows imo.
FE: good for flinging dirty water down your back in afternoon Florida thunderstorms

TBR exhaust: good for making noise; soon to be good for getting noise violation tickets in several areas throughout the world

1) When riding in a thunderstorm, a little dirty water flung on your back is the least of your worries.

2) My TBR isn't even close to being as loud as most Harley's. If you get pulled over for riding like a d'bag the leo may look for extra things to ticket you for (like a loud exhaust). But I seriously doubt the leo's will be pulling riders over just for having a loud bike.

And I think the Kawi ZX-6R mirrors look the best. I have them on my bike and I believe that's what "FZ6RBlack" has as well, and we both have pics. Also, somewhere on here, someone has a pic of their bike with 1 ZX-6R mirror and 1 R6s mirror for comparison, but good luck finding it.
There are at least a dozen ppl on here who will tell you to "use the search function", but its pretty useless. Sure, it'll find almost every thread where the word "mirrors" is used, but its even more useless if you're looking for something specific....Seriously, after a long search for a specific thread once, I finally found it. It made me mad that it didn't show up in any of my searches, so I experimented and did an advanced search for the EXACT thread title...."Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms."
Makes me wanna slap somebody every time I see, "use the search function":spank:
so I experimented and did an advanced search for the EXACT thread title...."Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms."
Makes me wanna slap somebody every time I see, "use the search function":spank:

Try a Mc. Google search! Target specify our website, and itll search our website much more efficiently than the vBulletin search. :cool:

Let me make this easy for you:
Click here I googled it for you
And here is another way if you click here

This tip has been brought to you in special part by: Cadmium Yellow Star Powered Super bikes! "Blah Blah Blah, Mines still faster than yours :thumbup:"


Dont worry in the second link I brought it to a spot which doesnt even show our website in the links, just trying to be a smarty ass lolol but hey, no one will even see this I mean Ive posted in other posts while whiting out my text and no one ever see's it. Hell I could even write about pudding and how I cant eat it because it reminds me of two girls one...yeah forget that image yucky lol. see, no one will see this and itll be on here for months lol. Anywho thats enough rant for now and my little whited out blog is T.B.C and for anyone reading that who doesnt get it, it means to be continued!!!
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1) When riding in a thunderstorm, a little dirty water flung on your back is the least of your worries.

2) My TBR isn't even close to being as loud as most Harley's. If you get pulled over for riding like a d'bag the leo may look for extra things to ticket you for (like a loud exhaust). But I seriously doubt the leo's will be pulling riders over just for having a loud bike.

And I think the Kawi ZX-6R mirrors look the best. I have them on my bike and I believe that's what "FZ6RBlack" has as well, and we both have pics. Also, somewhere on here, someone has a pic of their bike with 1 ZX-6R mirror and 1 R6s mirror for comparison, but good luck finding it.
There are at least a dozen ppl on here who will tell you to "use the search function", but its pretty useless. Sure, it'll find almost every thread where the word "mirrors" is used, but its even more useless if you're looking for something specific....Seriously, after a long search for a specific thread once, I finally found it. It made me mad that it didn't show up in any of my searches, so I experimented and did an advanced search for the EXACT thread title...."Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms."
Makes me wanna slap somebody every time I see, "use the search function":spank:

Thanks for the advice. I ordered some r6s mirrors, i think they look the best with our bike. The kawi mirror's stems are a little too small and it looks a lil odd, but the r6s mirrors look good, like stock should have been.

I was wondering, if i get a tbr exhaust, do i also need a juicebox/ power commander? i kno theyre recomended. Im wondering if its easy to ajust the mapping yourself for if u want performance vs fuel economy
They are NEEDED, among a few other things as well. But you will get alot of backfiring/"popping" without the juicebox or power commander
The popping on deceleration is not that bad, and is most noticeable when the engine is cold. Once the bike gets warmed up, the popping is fairly minimal. If I'm not mistaken, the smog block-off plates will fix that - not the JC or PCV... and you can get the plates for less than $40.

In fact, here's the part number:
Graves smog block-off plates: Yamaha # ABA-0ss56-20-70

And here's how you install them:
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Ok, I'm not sure I totally understand what the PCV and Juicebox is for. I understand that replacing the stock exhaust with an after market one will reduce the back pressure on the engine and mess with the fuel mix set by the bike's ECU.

Is the idea simply to remove the popping/backfiring? If that's all there is to it, it seems that the AIS Blockoffs would be enough, but will the fuel mix issue cause any other problems besides popping/backfiring (and the obvious fuel economy/smog issues)?

I assume the PCV or JB will fix the fuel mix issue which should take care of the popping/backfiring since there will be less fuel to ignite in the exhaust. I emphasize "should" because I've seen on here that some people still have those issues even after installing a PCV/JB.

So, bottom line, is there a possibility of causing damage to the engine if you just install the AIS Blockoffs and not the PCV/JB? Or am I missing something else?

Ok, I'm not sure I totally understand what the PCV and Juicebox is for. I understand that replacing the stock exhaust with an after market one will reduce the back pressure on the engine and mess with the fuel mix set by the bike's ECU.

Is the idea simply to remove the popping/backfiring? If that's all there is to it, it seems that the AIS Blockoffs would be enough, but will the fuel mix issue cause any other problems besides popping/backfiring (and the obvious fuel economy/smog issues)?

I assume the PCV or JB will fix the fuel mix issue which should take care of the popping/backfiring since there will be less fuel to ignite in the exhaust. I emphasize "should" because I've seen on here that some people still have those issues even after installing a PCV/JB.

So, bottom line, is there a possibility of causing damage to the engine if you just install the AIS Blockoffs and not the PCV/JB? Or am I missing something else?

The PVC/ JB mainly controls the fuel/air mixture for ur bike to run its max potential performance with the aftermaket exhaust, which increases hp and torque vs without a box (from what i understand). You can also adjust it to give u better fuel economy if u use a touring map, but you will have less power...or you can use a map thats a little bit of both performance/fuel economy. ..And yes, ur bike will run leaner. A tbr exhaust is 8 lbs. vs stock 18lbs. so u cut 10lbs off ur bike, which is ALOT for a motorcycle. Its hard to cut weight otherwise and every pound you loose makes a huge difference in performance.

Either system have his pro and con. PCV have a little edge in my book just because there's more adaptability. You can add a switch to swap between 2 map (what I have) So you can have 1 map for performance and 1 for fuel economy. Someone tried my map here with TB exhaust and it work great... it was with TB pro. PCV have the acceleration pump feature that rock! TBJB and PCV are pretty much in the same price range. has the best deal on PCV ($265.00)

I never play around the JB, but I'm sure there good product.

Thanks Marthy, this was extremely helpful. I just wasn't sure if a juice box pro would run better with a tbr exhaust b/c they're made by the same company. If a power commander produces the same results as the juice box pro, i think i'll buy the power commander so i can switch between maps easily. I saw you can have them run under ur passenger seat for easy adjustment. Plus that hard acceleration pump thing sounds awesome. It really increases the fuel intake to make ur bike faster on hard acceleration? And the juice box doesn't have this feature?
