my son is dating........

Does it mean you don't get any? ;)


LMAO... I will admit, ever since being single after me and gf broke up last year, the frequency of sex has been um.. a lot less. But things are starting to look up this summer, no pun intended.
Go big early! :D

I had a lot of luck over the years... the best one was my wife! She picked me up! She even invite herself back to my crib after our first date to watch movie... still to these day we can't remember what was playing... I knew she was the right one for me! LOL ;)

So were you the ugly one in your group of friends? Maybe she went too far. ;)

I kid, I kid. :D
now if you had a daughter and saw that txt???

I have two sons and two daughters... open conversation is the key, and at that age, they do not know "love"... it's lust, with those raging hormones...


we have a very open dialogue about sex, peer pressure, grades. he is a good kid. he has been given the best guidance we can provide. we must allow him to use what we have taught him. if he were to be heading towards a proverbial cliff we would again provide guidance and possibly discipline. he is very open about things with me.

your right, to a 15 year old lust=love.
Its the bike with the new headlight!

lol definitely! I wanna hit up NYC sometime with my bike and see how my luck turns out. Almost everytime I go to the city, I see an FZ6r, but they're all stock.

Ha Ha! Next time you go out and spot a ground of girls... hit on the less pretty one, It work all the time! As bad as it sound, if the chubby one don't think your cool... automatic cockblock! :*****slap: LOL Try to hit on the hot one first... your out!

Unwritten bar rule... LOL

NAHHH i'm not into chubs unfortunately. I dont care how horny I am, noo way.

not a bad idea until you've gone to far with the fat one lmfao... haha

either way some is better than none! you wouldn't believe the luck I've had lately. it must be the bike and the vette lmfao

You guys are a riot :)
You guys missed Marthy's point. His strategy is to go up to a group of women and hit on the heaviest one there first, then after she and the group have warmed up to you, then you can get in good with the hotter members of the group.

Back when I was single, I'd employ a similar technique. It took me a while to overcome my shyness, but as I got older and I didn't care about getting rejected as much, I noticed that guys never could, or would, penetrate the all female group at a bar. I think most guys are intimidated by that many women all together and can't figure out how to single out the girl they're interested in.

Marthy's method is a good way to do it. My method was to just engage the entire group. Take them all on, so to speak. I'd make up an excuse to ask the group something. Depends on the situation as to what you say. It might be along the lines of, "Did you have to wait long to get this table?" Then follow it up with a couple more questions and a self depricating joke and make eye contact with everyone there except the girl you're angleing for, paying more attention to the least attractive girl, or the one you can tell will be a co**block. Once you have them all chatting with you, you just hang out there for a while, then make an excuse to leave, "I gotta go check on my friends." Keep an eye on the girl you "snubbed" out of the corner of your eye. There's a good chance she'll be all over you before you know it.

Sound advice. Thanks! :cool:
O I got it! that's kinda mest up for the chubby chick lol haha

Maybe it'll be a hint to the "chubby chic" to maybe lose some weight? Then you guys would use her "chubby friend" in order to get that once chubby girl.

It's hard raising kids when they live in 2 seperate houses, and then the other mom doesn't show a good example to her daughter(my step-daughter). Her mom will bring home a different guy every night and doesn't care what my step-daughter will think. My husband and I have been together since she was 1 1/2, showing her that commitment is a GOOD thing. But it's hard to do when her mother goes out and finds a new fling that'll last maybe 2 months. Peyton will get used to the new guy, start trusting him and then BOOM, he's gone. Then a new guy will show up. Hopefully she'll grow not in the state of mind that her mother is in.
You guys missed Marthy's point. His strategy is to go up to a group of women and hit on the heaviest one there first, then after she and the group have warmed up to you, then you can get in good with the hotter members of the group.

does not work.

two reasons.

1. if you hit on the heavy girl with low self esteem she will latch on to you so fiercely that a grizzly bear attack and an unattended pile of billions of dollars could not veer her focus and affections toward you.

2. the hot girls will be so happy for the gal they all love but feel sorry for they will be very nice to you but will keep your attention funneled towards the big chick. Also if they even perceive any disrespect, the school of females will move on in a protective ring around the big gal muttering things like "you can do better" and "he is such a dick" as they glare at you for hurting the homely girls feelings which are egg shell fragile. (unless your like brad pitt and/or have $$$ but then you would just start with the hottie)


Ok well I was thinking about the update, but looks like this turned into a how to pickup women
