My Motorcycle Picture Thread


New Member
Edit: Set #2 on page 3

I will post pic's in this thread as i edit them, hopefully 8-10 at a time. I am also only posting my favorites, not the number mentioned below.

So as some of you have seen, i have been in TDY in San Diego. This past weekend i ventured up to Palomar Mountain after hearing about how great of a motorcycle ride this road is. The only thing was, i brought my camera and not my bike;). I got to talk to several Pro photographers who go their every weekend, and i think one even got jealous over my equipment and that a couple riders were talking to me. I sold a couple copy's, and after i go through the 600 something pic's, hopefully ill sell a couple more. Really wish i would have known you were here jonkerr:mad:.

This was basically my first time shooting motorcycles, so i think i did pretty well having 600 'keepers/in-focus shots, out of 675 pic's. The lighting was tough as times because of shadows, but i think i managed. I wish i would have panned more, but i only had about 2sec's sometimes before the bikes had come and gone, plus the angles made panning very hard. I chose to bump the SS and get keepers instead.

These were all shot with my Nikon D700 + 70-200 F2.8 VR2 or 24-70mm F2.8.

Here they are:







Thanks for looking... More to come, and as always, comments wanted.

EDIT: These were edited on a laptop, so hopefully the colors are good! Sometimes my screen likes to play tricks on me and i cant tell how dark the pic's really are...
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Great looking pics hombre!
Excellent photos.
Great pics! Looks like you just increased the competition for the other photographers. :thumbup:

Something I have noticed between yours and Jon's photos is that a lot of the people wearing full leathers are "hardcore" riders. What I mean is that I have seen quite a few riders wearing high-end suits, like Dainese. That's not your typical weekend warrior type suit, likely retailing for well over $1000. This is likely a product of great roads and the ability to get to them in a short amount of time. Thus, having a really good suit would be justified. Whereas for me, the decent roads are all a several hours drive and would not be amenable to buying a high-end suit for the occasional ride through twisties. :(

I need to move into the mountains! :surrender:
Love those closeups.:thumbup: Feels like your right there with them. That must have scared the crap out of some of them with you hiding on the shoulder like that? Or are the pics just zoomed in?
Love those closeups.:thumbup: Feels like your right there with them. That must have scared the crap out of some of them with you hiding on the shoulder like that? Or are the pics just zoomed in?

it was a mixture, the ones where you can see the lane (other side of road), i zoomed in to get a nice crop. the 'close ups', i was actually right their. There so loud at times, i actually jumped a couple times. When i got really daring (laid on the ground), once i actually almost got hit by a rider who was flying, has he knee down and was totally commited to the turn. I could have reached and touched him. If i didn't move, he would have hit me...:eek:

Thanks Everyone! I was very happy with the way these came out!:D. Hope all the rest ill continue to post, you will find just as good..:steve:

I will post more tonight since you guys seem to like them ;)
i'm bookmarking this thread... hehehe :)
Nice Pics!
I like pic 1 I think the best.

Does anyone have an HD video camera. Some video of these guys tearing up these corners would be sweeeeeeeeeeeeet. :D
So True. Post up on Palomar and just observe for an hour... it's mind bottling...

yes.. bottling.
Jonkerr... i was their on Sunday. I guess there was even more riders before i got their, which was like 11ish. I wish i would have know people got their at like 8, haha.

Working on more now, should be up later tonight ;)

If anyone is in the Maine area and you wanna do a shoot, PM me. Im very cheap compared to some of the others since this is just fun to me right now. Although im told i could make a lot more of from my 'skills'. Who knows...

Thanks for all the comments above btw! Hopefully i dont let you all down with the next set!

We just missed each other. We left at around 10:30 when the CHP rolled up. :innocent::innocent: I'm planning on going up on Sunday morning pretty early. I'm betting the mountain will be pretty empty being a holiday. Either that or It's going to be a mad house.

And BTW I have to ask, what the hell is TDY? :confused: (It's probably something military and I'm probably going to kick myself for not knowing living in a military town my whole life.) :eek:

Yeah, im a DOD civilian. Most o fmy job is actually classified, but for a brief tell all. I work on the Nuc Sub's and while they are in port, my code pretty much owns them. My job is quite powerful in the navy... However, i did chuckle at you not knowing TDY, but i have you beat. I have to go on the sub's all the time and just the other day i called the ships lead engineer (high ranking), petty officer (bottom rank) :(. Needless to say, its a good thing he was cool and realized who i worked for. I could see him about to flipout, haha. Again, even if i was wrong, he isn't going to start something with my code, lmao.

Now, back to bikes,
Thats prolly the same CHP that i saw pull, at min, 5 riders over. he got 1 twice, haha. i could get how right before i left, there were 3 popo's going back and forth and even with me warning the riders, and them knowing at this point, they still blasted down like it was an open track:eek:
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