

New Member
I know there are already a couple threads on this... want imput on lowering with the roaring toyz... adjusting the forks and the shorter kick stand. I've heard good and bad things. I'm still a beginner, have one season under my belt but just got this bike and it's bigger. So yes or no? Should I lower it or deal with it how it is???


Super *********
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My wife had her Ninjette lowered with RoaringToyz. It was an added cost initially, but it gave her more confidence in her first steps. If done properly, all it does is reduces your lean range but the importance of flat-footing a bike is paramount in learning to deal with tight situations.

Lowering can be easily undone and the parts sold on eBay when you change your mind. RoaringToyz are decent, quality parts that looked better than the cheapo EX250 parts and actually improved the look slightly.

My 2 schillings


Active Member
I have the roaring toyz lowering link on my bike...makes a world of difference. Confidence is key on the bike!

I am shorter than you by a few inches. Having it be lower so I can flat foot is SO much nicer than being on my toes. :D

JJ Fz6r

New Member
I have the lowering kit installed and you do realise a difference immediatly and feel an increase in comfort :) You do not need a new kickstand :D


New Member
Have any of you thought of leg extensions? Sure, you'll have to buy new pants, but think of all the confidence it will instill in your everyday life?


Sorry, it's just the grudge I have being 6'5", and knowing that I will never be able to drive 99.999% of sports cars. I have to take solace in knowing I can flat foot any bike, and the short people who sit so nicely into sports cars well... can't. So lets call it even.
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New Member
I have the Roaring Toyz lowering link, lowered the fork by 0.75" and have the Roaring Toyz kick stand. I noticed increased confidence in knowing I can easily put my feet down and support the bike on both sides when needed. Specially on those times where there's a camber on the road on a stop light.

I now ride almost every day, a big contrast to before when I used to think I might drop the bike on it's side just because I was doing the teeter-totter 1 foot stand.

I'm 5'2" with 28" inseam and I can put both balls of my feet down.

So the question now is, are you comfortable as it is? If not, lowering it might increase your comfort and confidence.

By the way, welcome to the forum and community! :)


New Member
thanks everyone... my husband apparently already ordered everything so going to try it out. I think thats all I need is the confidence at first.

And for the tall guy, my husband is the same way he's 6'2. =)


Thuper Moderator
Premium Member


New Member
My husband lowered my bike with the Roaring Toyz kit and it is a great improvement for me (I'm 5'2"). I didn't like the kickstand (too pointy and didn't lie flat) so my son cut and rewelded the original kickstand and that is much better. I have only had the 6R since August (only been riding since '07 and started on a 250 scooter) but I feel more confident with both feet touching.
I didn't shave the seat but did get new soles added to my boots that helped as well. Good luck, be safe, and have fun riding!


New Member
Like everyone else here with a short inseam, I find the RT lowering link quite a boost on the confidence, particularly being able to flat foot it at lights and such. No complaints. No looking back.


New Member
We ordered the lowering kit so now just need the hubby to come home from overseas to install it! =) We figured worse comes to worse can always remove it. Thanks for the input everyone! :p


New Member
I just Got my 09 FZ6R and I am a beginner too. I lowered it 1.5" with the shock lowering kit and sofened the shock up also.. as I learn and get better I can tighten the shock adjuster up and also the seat on the 09 is adjust able too so you can raise it without more mods.. no other mods needed.. and flat footed is a must for new riders..


New Member
I have the Roaring Toys kit on mine as well. I have a family member that welds, so he just cut and welded the stock stand. I must say, it has made a world of difference for me. I can flat foot at a light now, and I'm not paranoid I am going to drop it on its side. It was definitely worth the $100 cost!


New Member
I just installed the lowering link. I had been riding and one-footing it, which was fine.
I got the roaring toyz link to make backing up, slow turns on slopes, etc. a little easier. It just more comfortable than being on the balls of your feet. I didn't want to mess with shaving the seat.
So far, it is great. lowered it about 3/4 inch I think and I lowered the forks about 7/8inch.
I cut and weld the kickstand. With the stock stand, it was OK, but if someone leaned on it, possible to push it over.
Also, to me, in lowered form, the bike actually seems to turn-in easier, which I really like.


Thuper Moderator
Premium Member


New Member
We lowered the back end 3" with a shorter rear shock spring and a Soupy's Performance lowering link.

Much better for the missus, who feels more comfortable on it than her previous GS500.

The nice thing about the Soupy's link is that it is less expensive and you CAN'T install it incorrectly like you can with the RT link.

Up front we slid the forks up 1.75" in the triples so we didn't throw the steering geometry too far out. This is as far as you can go with the stock handlebars in the way. You can get a shorter fork spring kit that reduces the front ride height 1.5" anyway, so I figured 1.75" was still within an acceptable margin. Can't get the fork to bottom out or have the wheel make contact with anything up front under normal riding so far. Tricky getting the front triple tree stand out with the reduced clearance between the fender and the leading edge of the upper fairing, though.

Had it up to 180~190 km/h and no twitchiness. Certainly good to go with no worries at regular speeds, I'd say.
