Looking to buy a used bike, what to look for?


New Member
I'm actually looking to buy an FZ1, but I can't post on those forums for some reason so I figured this would be the next best place (besides.. the community here has always been really nice/helpful).

The bike I'm going to be checking out soon is a 2009 FZ1 with under 1700 miles on it, and the price seems like a steal. It may be just a good deal, or there may be something wrong with it. I got a red flag when bargaining with him because I offered a little below his asking, and he countered slightly below my offer.. which makes me really suspicious. Perhaps he just likes to round down to a nice even number, but I don't want to automatically assume that.

So my two biggest worries are that it is stolen or some major mechanical problem. I am thinking the stolen possibility could be determined by checking the VIN, and comparing the title/registration to his ID would clear this up. I've already checked the VIN he provided and it seems clear, but I will need to make sure that VIN matches what is on the bike. The other issue is more of a problem for me, I do all of the routine maintenance on my FZ6R, so I can do most of the preventative stuff that is tells me to do in the owner's manual.. but I've never had to deal with anything that broke so I'm not really sure what to look for. He says the oil + filter were changed once, which worries me a bit since it is 3 years old, but the miles are very low so it might be okay. I was thinking about bringing all the stuff I need to do an oil change on the bike before I hand over the money, just to make sure it hasn't turned to jelly or anything weird. Also I was planning to ride it home (which isn't right around the corner), and I'd feel more comfortable with fresh oil. I'll obviously be checking for damage, and hoping to get a test ride in (or if he isn't okay with that, I'll insist he needs to ride it around in a parking lot with me nearby so I can hopefully tell if anything is off).

Does anyone have any suggestions of other things I could check for, or any input for that matter? I'm hoping checking if it is stolen will be pretty straightforward, I'm more concerned about a mechanical problem since I'm not a mechanic.

Thanks in advance!
Firstly you guys should have a system similar to what we'd do in the UK/Aus, Where you can use the VIN and check to see if the bike was in an accident/finance owing.

If those check out the first thing I'd check is the chain.

If the bloke has gone to the effort of maintaining the chain then you know he's cared for the bike, (well it's a start, I wouldn't look at the chain and think all good, It's just first on my check-list).

Chain should be clean but lubed, rust free, and tensioned correctly. Unless I've got proof of a recent service (less than 3 months ago) I'll always do a fresh one myself, it's only parts and time...

But given what you've said about not being near you, call up a dealership near him, and ask how much to do an inspection, that way you know that it's been checked by someone who (should) know what they're doing.

You could take oil + Filter and do it there, but then you have disposal of oil etc to think about.
It's mainly the engine and gearbox you want to make sure is good. Everything else is fairly simple to fix on a motorbike.
I like to have a look inside the oil cap while the engine is running and have a good sniff around for leaks, smells, weird smoke. (don't breath in the fumes too deeply, you might do some weird posts afterwards)

If you do your own maintenance then it should be easy to see what condition the chain and sprockets are in, whether the wear on the grips, footpegs and lever rubbers match the mileage etc. You'd probably want to check the fork seals and pump it a few times or hit a few bumps on the test ride.

Do your VIN check if its too cheap, but you may just have an honest person who doesn't do the sales uptalk thing and just wants a quick sale so they can move on. A couple of hundred here and there doesn't mean much at all in the long run, its small stuff that you worry less about as you get older.

Personally, I'd want to take it for a brief blast on the freeway to see if the engine doesn't cough or hesitate.

With 1700 miles, it should be fantastic.

Why didn't he ride it in 3 years ? Is he hen pecked ? It could be a touchy subject.
Thanks for all of the suggestions! I think I have a good idea of at least a few things I should be checking when I take a look at the bike. I'll make sure I test ride it as well, that really would be dumb to buy a used bike without trying it on the road. A lot of things you won't notice till you ride it. I'm just trying to be extra cautious because this will be my first time shopping for a used vehicle, and I obviously don't want to regret it :p
how much is he offering? you can buy a brand new one down there right now for like 8k tops. i have been looking and a couple dealers offering them at 6500 plus their freight and setup fora bout 8k, 2013 no miles. several of them.
how much is he offering? you can buy a brand new one down there right now for like 8k tops. i have been looking and a couple dealers offering them at 6500 plus their freight and setup fora bout 8k, 2013 no miles. several of them.

We agreed on 5 grand, so it's cheaper than a new bike. It also has the advantage of being the color I want (Black, and I believe 2013 is only in Cobalt Blue), and almost all of the mods I want already. That includes TBR slip on, centerstand, fender eliminator, flush turn signals, frame sliders, and several others. The pictures that were posted make it look like it is in showroom condition, so if everything checks out I'm thinking this will be a great purchase.
like you said on the red flag - doesn't sound right when you offer x amount, seller says no and tells you he'll take even less $. good luck
how much is he offering? you can buy a brand new one down there right now for like 8k tops. i have been looking and a couple dealers offering them at 6500 plus their freight and setup fora bout 8k, 2013 no miles. several of them.

I just bought my '14(they come in Raven), for a deal at 6500. Came to a little over 8k out the door. New bike I get to break in and obviously know it's history :rolleyes:
Adroit, sorry if I missed it, what's the status - have a date scheduled to go look or? wouldn't wait too long, might miss this deal if legit
Adroit, sorry if I missed it, what's the status - have a date scheduled to go look or? wouldn't wait too long, might miss this deal if legit

I hadn't mentioned yet, but the owner is holding for me and I'm looking to inspect/pick up in a few days. If everything is as it seems, I should be riding home on it soon :)
Out of curiosity, were the $6500 figures for an FZ6R or an FZ1?

FZ1, but not counting whatever freight and set up the dealer tries to get. The one i called wanted 1700. Normally no one pays that but when they are selling the bike at 6500 vs. 10,500 so they are not going to deal on that stuff, so that still brings it to aroun 8k which is pretty good.
Just an update, just picked up the bike today :D Was in excellent condition, and realized how scary liter bikes were. Was derping around getting on a freeway and thought I'd rev it up a little in first gear to see what it'd do.. was a little worrying to see 77 mph on the speedo and still another 2k rpm before red line. Gonna need to be careful for sure. Thanks again for all the suggestions!
Just an update, just picked up the bike today :D Was in excellent condition, and realized how scary liter bikes were. Was derping around getting on a freeway and thought I'd rev it up a little in first gear to see what it'd do.. was a little worrying to see 77 mph on the speedo and still another 2k rpm before red line. Gonna need to be careful for sure. Thanks again for all the suggestions!

You got the used one right? how much? 77mph in 1st gear? sounds like a power house. How is the wind aspects with the half fairing? i really want to try and ride one of those.

woohoo congrats... welcome to the club! :thumbup:

if you haven't yet, join yamahafz1oa forum
