Little worry :(

I was diagnosed with sleep apnea last year. I can't sleep with the mask though, so I'm still tired. Gonna see some docs this summer and hopefully we can figure it out.

Martin, hope she's alright. If no doctor has suggested apnea yet, have her get a sleep study.

Mistaht, do you have full face, nose or hybrid mask? Mine is a full face, hybrid I couldn't do it and nose I'm a mouth breather and the doctor said that wouldn't be good.

It's a pain in the neck to get used to it, but give yourself sometime. No lie and exaggeration, the cpap machine CHANGED my life.
Hope it is nothing serious bud! Don't worry yourself too much yet. Will keep you guys in our prayers!
I had the triangle nose cover one for a few months. I usually fall sleep on my side, so falling asleep on my back is still hard.... I'd usually wake up about 30 minutes after falling asleep with the mask on the floor. Now I have the "nasal pillows." Sometimes I feel claustrophobic and just gotta rip it off, even before I fall asleep. I'm gonna try the full face this summer.

I couldn't take the nasal pillows/hybrid too. the good thing with the full face is that you can sleep in your side.
Dont worry! PM me if you'd like to chat. My wife has been going through the same symptoms for a few years, looking at numerous things. Still no confirmed diagnosis yet, but closer.
Just saw this thread, Marthy. I really hope everything turns out ok. Hang in there and think positive. I'll send positive thoughts your way.
All my best of thoughts to your wife and you Martin. I hope everything goes better.
She just call me. They are transferring her to a different room under ICU. They found some bleeding in her brain. I'm f*&ckin worry has hell right now. F&*( she just turn 29YO...

Wow, the only thing I can say is taht maybe it's best that they found it this way. I hope everything keeps out and If you don't mind I'll talk to a friend of mine who is a pastor of a large church and they can keep her in their prayers.

Thoughts and prayers, Marthy... You'll both see whatever this is through...

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